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○■ たんぱく質の王様 畑の肉)など... You used the soybean which is called the king (meat of field) and the like of the protein for the raw materials, long term lactic acid fermented and you concentrated the liquid which can, you commercialized including special pressure
○■ As for the [ma] sword bea n, as for Yoshida Cho west Sata inlet area with the land where the seabed before approximately 200,000 year rises, it has become the stratum which is called Yoshida shellfish layer
○■ この貝を食べやす 製品化したも... To eat this shellfish those which commercialize easily are, now “[kanniyabo]” of topic
○■ Soybean protein expressin g [jimito], “meat of the field” you fried and adjusted, applied the bean milk cheese lastly, a liberal translation
○■ ブログネタ:豆腐 ワカメ、油揚... [buroguneta]: Furthermore tofu, [wakame] and fried bean curd, favorite as for tool of miso soup? While participating as for me tofu group! It is dense, it is, it is
Meat of the field,
Japanese Topics about Meat of the field, Food And Drinks , ...
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