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○■ Unless every year every y ear, there is this, it became unable to be accustomed to the feeling which enters New Year, oriental large Kashiwabara who has the alias of God “of the Hakone Race” mountain so, as for being able to point the place where you are not wrong
○■ 東洋大学、記録更 &往路・総合... The oriental university, record renewal & outward trip synthesis victory, you question with the [me], it is
○■ The end of year beginning of the year sport relay is many, other than education program for the child, the time when you watch at the television even by your does not have the fact that usually almost you watch at the television is long, a liberal translation
○■ 今日明日と
箱根駅 伝です... It is present tomorrow and the Hakone Race, a liberal translation
○■ Round trip university pos t horse between 88th Tokyo Hakone (the Hakone Race) 8 Ku (21.5 kilometers): Hiratsuka repeater station ~ Totsuka repeater station <5 kilometer >14 in amount 35 seconds
○■ それにしても、サ ッケローニ監... Don't you think? nevertheless, command of [sa] ゙ [tsukeroni] supervision is enormous
○■ Yesterday went out to sup port to 5 Ku of the Hakone Race
○■ 今日テレビで最新 小学校の... You looked at the textbook of the up-to-date small school with the present television
○■ Next year, we would like to make brightly pleasant year, is, don't you think?, a liberal translation
○■ 06:34 from tw... 06:34 fr om twitter for iphone good morning it is, a liberal translation
○■ 2011 beginning of the yea r ball better seeds -
○■ 1区では早稲田大 トップに立... At 1 Ku Waseda large stood in the top, but when the oriental large takes the top at 2 Ku, it maintains 3 Ku, 4 Ku and the lead/read, rushes to 5 Ku of outward trip last Ku
○■ (Pleasantly so is, when t he ~~ you want to come out, the ~^^; ), a liberal translation
○■ 正月二日、三日は んといって... New Year's Day second, three days after all with the Hakone Race the shank
○■ Because yesterday, the me dicine is cut off one, you received and went to the veterinarian
○■ 昨年は色々有りま た... Last year there was a variety
○■ As for outward trip victo ry in Kashiwabara's power running the oriental university! As for entire victory Waseda University? Orient large? When you inquire about Seko's explanation, unless Waseda wins, it is strange, but it is,
○■ 元旦はお雑煮食べ 初詣して、... As for New Year's Day the rice soup eating, year's first visit to the shrine doing, usual New Year's Day, a liberal translation
○■ Now the breakfast you ate also morning vigorously, now it has slept with the am hitting
○■ 今朝も9時40分に目 まし時... Now morning 9:40 to you rise with the alarm clock
○■ Having enough the present day off, we would like to prepare for the work from tomorrow
○■ 今年もさまざまな ラマがあっ... These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
○■ Because this year it seem s that the good player is many
○■ 今年は、お雑煮を らなかった... This year, it is not to make the rice soup, but the [ze] which receives it is the [za] to be, with it became the New Year's Day [tsu] [po] [ku], (^-^*), a liberal translation
○■ Tag: The Hakone Race new year post horse cat marathon, a liberal translation
○■ ということで、本 1/3はそ... With the notion that where you say, this day 1/3 died and went that diamond observation
○■ With being the case that it is said? With the notion that where, you attended after the mountain hill practice the seminar of the Watanabe director, “the power which is brought up personally” is done with local end,
○■ ちょっとは心配し いたが... Just a little, it was worried, but
○■ By the way tomorrow in th e same trader beginning [te] business start death
○■ そんなこんなで金 日は久しぶ... With such a Friday such a after a long time the large moat park run