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○■ 今年は「山の神」 と柏原君の... This year it rises partly due to the last post horse “of God thing Kashiwabara's of the mountain”, the better seed -
○■ The 4th grade of this yea r it seems that job hunting is very harsh, but it kept graduating in the times when they are painful
○■ 中国人は、故郷に るという発... As for the Chinese, the conception that is strong it returns to the home,, a liberal translation
○■ とりあえずコレで ばらく様子... Circumstances you try doing to see temporarily for a while with [kore
○■ By the way, it is known i n [huiume] that 1 Japanese are,
○■ というわけで、空 関連のセミ... With being the case that it is said, the sky. Related seminar is blossom, a liberal translation
○■ At present, the gate of t ransmission going to hospital is the UC
○■ しかし、父親を亡 した娘さん... But, the father the dying/fleeing paragraph is the daughter, this is order of the thing, a liberal translation
○■ But, when this way is, th e unreasonable [tsu] [po] it is,
○■ このブログの人気 事
神奈... Import procedure of popularity article Kanagawa prefecture non- life conversion polio vaccine of this [burogu] start (但… The question notification… of national assembly plenary assembly general question all the 7 Assemblymen the Tokyo Chuo Ku 27th east Japanese imported child scientific workshop, polio, [rota] and b type…
○■ The uncle, cold densely t he [ji] and others [se], still from end of year the nose water. State
○■ いやぁ、箱根、東 大学おめで... The [a], Hakone, you question well with your oriental university [me]! Just Kashiwabara Orient which is not next period still strongly so, a liberal translation
○■ May be linked to more d etailed information..
○■ 「箱根駅伝」公式 イト 「箱... “The Hakone Race” official sight “the Hakone Race/the Japanese television” official sight
○■ Isn't the person who hold s “the insecurity for future” not to be little?, a liberal translation
○■ 「ネタ」カテゴリ 最新記事... Up-to-date article oriental university medical department this “of news item” category private information protection??? Conversation at Chinese noodles house
○■ There being request of mu tual interchange, it is to be meeting because it makes that exchange program actualize but ......
○■ 柏原は本物の、バ モノですね... As for Kashiwabara with genuine, [bakemono] shank [e] ~, a liberal translation
○■ Last year and the orienta l university which is started at 1 rank, this year starts at 1 rank, a liberal translation
○■ でも、読書が遅い 番の理由は... So, the first reason whose book-reading is slow is different, a liberal translation
○■ ■技術的な影響要 (tech... * Technical influence primary factor (technological)
○■ 2011.07.07.thu... 2011.07 .07.thu | News
○■ 1 day sabotage [tsu] [te] you put away
○■ 2位・早稲田大学 5分7秒の... The difference which is 5 minute 7 seconds in 2 rank Waseda University was acquired, a liberal translation
○■ As for 2 ranks or less, t he feeling which difference does not open excessively, a liberal translation
○■ 選手をいかに奮い たせるか、... Thinking, how it makes the player be stirred up, you use voice, don't you think? it is, a liberal translation
○■ 結局、走ることは まならず、... After all, running does not become way, the Hakone Race observation becomes main
○■ As for Hakone, in order t he oriental university two for the possibility of winning successively to be high, you were moved
○■ 本年もどうぞよろ くお願い致... We ask also this year please may