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○■ 誰とか、どの大学 か、特に... Who, which university, is not the meaning which is especially favor, but the “Hakone Race” is the pleasure, a liberal translation
○■ Round trip university pos t horse race (the Hakone Race) between 86th Tokyo Hakone, with the outward trip of yesterday oriental large Kashiwabara (2 years) following to last year at 5 Ku, played “the God of the new mountain”
○■ Everyone of the player wh o either the returning/repeating road of tomorrow cannot be overlooked everyone safely all-inclusive running in order for it to be possible, we support from heart, a liberal translation
○■ 終始、東洋大学独 の箱根駅伝で... It was the Hakone Race of beginning and ending and the oriental university running alone
○■ 早稲田大リードで 合は進みま... The tournament advanced with Waseda large lead/read, but with just before 2 [piri] ends the Waseda largely double minor
○■ それにしても自分 卒業してか... Nevertheless, after by yourself graduating
○■ 箱根駅伝は関東の 学だけで行い... Does the Hakone Race at just the Kanto university, but because all Japan is the post horse where the university of entire country gets together, true post horse Japanese agreement fixed game is all Japan, a liberal translation
○■ It is about there to be t he oriental university and the Tokyo University research facility etc but, a liberal translation
○■ 「エッセイ」カテ リの最新記... The collection of books contribution bean bean sprouts [ji] [yu] of the native historian it is to up-to-date article Tokyo “of essay” category occasion, speech of the dramatist
○■ 東洋大学白山キャ パスの中央... The central ridge of the oriental university Hakusan campus (with you say kana? ) Is, a liberal translation
○■ All the Nihon University baseball championship victories are decided in the oriental university of east capital league representation, the better seed
○■ As for outward trip victo ry in Kashiwabara's power running the oriental university! As for entire victory Waseda University? Orient large? When you inquire about Seko's explanation, unless Waseda wins, it is strange, but it is,
○■ Because today from mornin g the parent and the younger sister went to the four lath by my car, I from first to end looked at the Hakone Race at the house
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