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    • http://hlad.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/07/post-9ad4.html
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    • 新的防御阶段
      13委员Naoki田中外交防御主席原始的议院何时开始,美国军事Futenma机场(冲绳岛专区Ginowan市)关于设施问题调动在也防御阶段5位内阁大臣有各种各样的问题野田新的内阁宣布变动是那个那“非常苛刻的情况您了解的防御阶段的,但是我们希望继续推进由我的力量”,您如此表达了是Makiko的田中是甚而是的大师的已婚夫妇,因为它是奇怪的,您不认为? 它是看的能力,但是以这个人它困难的,您是否是不认为? 大概将是

    • Участок Tanaka защитительный, внезапно сь
      Для того чтобы показать новости которые перепечатаны от визирования новостей, как для метода дорабатывать установку яваскрипта который имеет необходимость для того чтобы сделать яваскриптом эффективно этот Tanaka защитительный участок, внезапно рассеянное 2012.1.15 22:22 [сила самообороны] как на участок Naoki защитительный в Tanaka Naoki защитительном Aida он считает обеспеченность например, с программой NHK 15 дней, критеря по оружия для сброса пользы в зарубежной стране силы самообороны и «сброс принципа экспорта 3 оружия» confused, авиапорт США воинский Futenma которого публично разоблачения «дилетант» путь (город Ginowan префектуры Окинава) даже с переходом средств проблемы, содержания Японск-Американского конференции были показано не только, средство замещением внутри yearBut думало что мы хотел быем начать конструкцию, как для правительственного чиновника заявления ссылаясь начинать время конструкции the first time, «к после того как там программа оно трудна», которое как для премьер-министра Yosihiko Noda который следу исправил сразу verb с обедать совместно хозяйственного человека 15th ночи, относительно самому последнему шкафу remodelling который включает назначение Tanaka «самая лучшая компановка которая подумана как раз», что она было самолюбива, только 24 дня %

    • As for the portable shrine the political house that lighter one it is good it was, but, a liberal translation
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    • We would like to send the Hokkaido farmer to America and Australia, it rubbed.
      ¡Gobierno de este país, de la aplicación, del partido Democratic liberal, ahora, convirtiéndose en el partido Democratic, siendo serio en la vida del ciudadano y de ése del votante está careciendo en la actitud que las caras que miran la discusión de la subida de la tarifa del impuesto de consumo que usted siente también el político se cortan el cuerpo?! Si el producto alimenticio, tarifa del costo de educación y del costo médico se señala como cero, la historia no es el significado que no entiende si la reducción del constante del Assemblyman, anchura de la selección de vida nacional el estrechos [yo] [te] el aire no será atada probablemente a poner de lado, pero la insensibilidad del ciudadano del votante pero de I que son probablemente haber reflejado la el ciudadano insensible del votante solamente, si, en aquí Hokkaido, método financiero político del reajuste ahora entonces que usted no sabe, con crimen de la corrupción de la confianza del derecho penal, el soborno reconocido compañía el político que se acepta en rencor, niega que, y, él ¡se convierte la culpabilidad, sirve timeComing fuera de la cárcel, sacudiendo a la compañía principal, él es activa político, también las ayudas famosas esas, algo del cantante que no es la gallina?! Okinawa

    • As for transporting system of appraisal book “political [gotsuko]” of child
      The government which the appraisal book which to the transfer of facilities inside Nago city side field prefecture of the US military Futenma airport is directed old (environmental impact appraisal) it tries probably entrusting submitting to the home delivery trader as a result, yesterday (27 days) the opposite citizen et. al before the Okinawa prefectural government the barricade the house which stacked Hari and the appraisal book. . As for the home delivery trader who obstructs the car of the trader not to be able deliver on prefectural government side, as for Governor Nakaima who is the agitation that it is turned back, as for denial of the receipt of the appraisal book either [nitsuchimosatsuchi] that to the reclamation of the side field old open sea of those which are not done it is opposite it probably will not go originally, defensive economical staff carrying, to explain to Governor Nakaima, we asking cooperation, entrusting that the fact that it hands probably is muscle to the home delivery trader, because you think of the makeshift expedient which it tries probably to transfer in this kind of thing %, a liberal translation

    • The flower garden passes Tokyo newspaper editorial 12/14~ this and is the [ro]… which, a liberal translation
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    • Everyone collecting, “unqualified” question criticism!, a liberal translation
      After all, the National Diet without re-extension will be the adjournment first half rushing at the international conference of the prime minister, the latter half although very the revival-related bill with opposition party main leadership you did, as for the other things the [gu] is not by your proposed also the shadow which is seen with the favor of the minister of state who is the [gu], even even “reduction of government employee allowance”, before the National Diet deliberating being intraparty, being able to rub, even calling up because it is the condition which is not achieved and what the newspaper of somewhere you do not call “you did long from our public age”, that you had written, but it just is long there is no content simply, in addition reporting the content “it does not let flow the disadvantageous place to administration”, is doneWith the way completely is not meaning at the National Diet which, +++++++++++++++++++ House of Councillors the foremost river, Yamaoka question criticism as for Prime Minister approval = Noda in reshuffle denial and administration predicament - overlooking %

    • “The Futenma” appraisal book, it carries to early dawn to the Okinawa prefectural government
      “The Futenma” appraisal book, in the Okinawa prefectural government in early dawn the US military Futenma airport of carrying Okinawa prefecture (Ginowan city) in regard to Nago city side field transfer of facilities old, while the defensive ministry dispatching to the prefectural address on the 26th, as for Okinawa Bureau of Defense Policy according to 28 day early dawn and the same Bureau of Defense Policy etc which carried inside the prefectural government building, 4:10 AM around, the vehicle of Bureau of Defense Policy arrives at the prefectural government concerning the environmental impact appraisal book which cannot deliver by disturbance of transfer of facilities group of objectors, 16 cardboard boxes where staff several people enter the appraisal book the guardroom inside the government buildingThe defensive ministry which was carried tried that on the 26th the delivery trader probably will carry the appraisal book into the prefectural government building on dispatch 27th, but doing, it was obstructed e.g., it is surrounded in the member of group of objectors, (2011 December 28th 06:33 Yomiuri Shimbun Company) doing what?

    • If Futenma it advances, the Guam moving budget execution…Senate chairman, a liberal translation
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    • , a liberal translation
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    • You read “the New Year of the 啄 wood,” you think in New Year's Day which does not have the circle of day, a liberal translation
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    • Start 2012 and 'from thought of crimson white', a liberal translation
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    • http://ameblo.jp/oregairon/entry-11117283001.html
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    • Mit Zeitplan besichtigten 5 Tage, Liberaldemokratische Partei Ishihara des Generalsekretär-Nobuaki die Vereinigten Staaten ab dem 11. Dezember, das Japanisch-Amerikanische Gipfeltreffen des Premierministers und [obama] wurde Präsident Noda Unbestimmtheitaufschub. Was Lebenserwartung anbetrifft des Noda-Kabinetts innerhalb 6 Monate?
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