- Ozawa critical remark of Masuzoe main point one person
http://mugentoyugen.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/12/post-be6f.html “This person” is front Prime Minister Hatoyama „Diese Person“ ist vorderer Premierminister Hatoyama
- higashinihon dai shinsai karano fukkou niha kyoudo ai to yume wo
http://blog.livedoor.jp/cancerkiller173/archives/1467760.html It is seen that “coming the [ku]” is “fragility”, Es wird gesehen, dass „das Kommen [ku] Zerbrechlichkeit““ ist „,
- “Pain of chest” 1 challenge to new existence dimension., a liberal translation
http://spinastars.jugem.jp/?eid=706 “It is what from this, the [tsu] [te] it is written being, it does, Japan” the [yo „Es ist, was von diesem, [tsu] [te] wird es seiend geschrieben, es tut, Japan“ [yo
- Minister of state illness? Drifting Tuzimoto
http://k-muta.cocolog-nifty.com/y_nakatani/2010/07/post-095e.html We would like to challenge anew “as a non post from this” Wir möchten „als Pfosten von diesem“ von neuem nicht anfechten
Upper House election, Politics ,