- weblog title
http://good-hiro1.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/09/post-cdcf.html Takes no one responsibility of House of Councillors selection defeat, that [ozawa] group being noisy, 不承担委员选择失败议院的责任,是那个[ozawa]的小组喧闹的,
- weblog title
http://kawahata-m.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/08/post-dcbe.html After the House of Councillors selection being defeated, glaring typical selection, it made word ambiguous, but there is no reason which already seals 在委员选择以后议院被击败的,闪耀炫目典型的选择,它使已经密封的词模棱两可,但是没有理由
- Japanese weblog
http://fusenmei.cocolog-nifty.com/top/2010/08/post-e0c9.html After the House of Councillors selection being defeated, glaring typical selection, it made word ambiguous, but there is no reason which already seals 在委员选择以后议院被击败的,闪耀炫目典型的选择,它使已经密封的词模棱两可,但是没有理由
- original letters
http://asahisyougun.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/1720589/ While the goal which breaks the group of people going/participating twisted phenomenon due to House of Councillors selection defeat is not in sight, the air the [so] it probably is the [ro]? 当打破人去的或参与扭转的现象由于委员选择失败时议院的目标不是在视线内的空气[,因此]它是否是大概[ro] ?
- Tuzimoto in corporation people secession statement = opposition party with limit and non post activity July 27th 14:31 transmission current events communications
Beauty member of the house of representatives Kiyoshi Tuzimoto of the corporation people party (50) as for = Osaka 10 Ku = 27th in the afternoon, the reporter you interviewed in Osaka city, stated the intention of secession formally
http://kdy000077.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/1718516/ By the fact that Tuzimoto who follows to House of Councillors selection defeat, regards the most major candidate of next term party chief cannot be dissuaded, being intraparty, it is inevitable for the voice which questions the advance and retreat of Party Chief Mizuho Fukushima to spread 由事实跟随到委员选择失败议院的Tuzimoto,看待下个期限党院长的最主要的候选人不可能被谏阻,党内,为对党表示怀疑首要Mizuho福岛前进和撤退传播的声音是不可避免的
- “Tile edition”
http://kdy000077.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/1719266/ By the fact that Tuzimoto who follows to House of Councillors selection defeat, regards the most major candidate of next term party chief cannot be dissuaded, being intraparty, it is inevitable for the voice which questions the advance and retreat of Party Chief Mizuho Fukushima to spread 由事实跟随到委员选择失败议院的Tuzimoto,看待下个期限党院长的最主要的候选人不可能被谏阻,党内,为对党表示怀疑首要Mizuho福岛前进和撤退传播的声音是不可避免的
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