- The people who do not learn
http://strangequarks.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/1722747/ It is defeated with House of Councillors selection, the fact that is meant it was not relied on to the citizen, 它击败与委员选择,意味的事实议院它未被依靠给公民,
- It becomes the seat, expense reduction, a liberal translation
http://risk.cocolog-nifty.com/hyouron/2010/11/post-ff8c.html With House of Councillors selection including also constant reduction, it pledges the expense 2 percentage reduction of the National Diet, a liberal translation 委员选择议院包括也恒定的减少,它承诺全国饮食的费用2百分比减少
- Japanese weblog
http://ameblo.jp/masato-tsu/entry-10678224849.html When running as a candidate to House of Councillors selection from, thinking, that it retires, it increased 当跑作为候选人到它退休委员选择的议院从,认为,那时,它增加了
- Tube prime minister re-election democracy administration re-々 start
http://panjiy.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/09/post-dd66.html The twisted National Diet due to the defeat with House of Councillors selection 扭转的全国饮食由于与委员选择议院的失败
- Japanese talking
http://blog.livedoor.jp/kansaibisou/archives/51677373.html The candidacy which leaves the possibility of the candidacy Okinawa side field old guilt which with House of Councillors selection is accustomed to piercing no from the citizen with the land 离开候选资格冲绳岛旁边领域老罪状的可能性与委员选择议院习惯从公民的贯穿的没有有土地的候选资格
- weblog title
http://ameblo.jp/asukako/entry-10632726120.html With House of Councillors selection in Okinawa even candidacy in the habit which is not raised 委员选择议院在甚而冲绳岛候选资格的在没有被上升的习性
- original letters
http://ameblo.jp/iikunikanekuni/entry-10597779599.html Around and the like gratitude greeting of the place where you take care with House of Councillors selection 在等等您保重与委员选择议院的地方的谢意问候附近
Upper House election, Politics ,