- Once more entrance ceremony
http://ameblo.jp/tack0205/entry-10501198064.html Today in order nationwide for entrance ceremony to be many, two as many as colleagues of the workplaces during of morning is the day off
- News
http://ameblo.jp/smbyrk/entry-10501473247.html Today being like entrance garden ceremony and entrance ceremony are done at each area
- Entrance ceremony
http://ameblo.jp/crayon-151-robo/entry-10499658316.html Today was entrance ceremony of the university
- [yu] [yu]! *
http://ameblo.jp/zigikyou/entry-10497857462.html Today it is to Tenzin where keeps accompanying the younger sister in the dentist, \ (^o^)/ry← today the person of entrance ceremony of the university it is many languidly, is and the [ro] also my older brother with entrance ceremony the suit has worn from morning \ (^o^)/laughed, <- there is a strange feeling and the [ri] which is sown it puts out!!! It is,
- It was pleasant!!!
http://blog.livedoor.jp/aria0721/archives/1147248.html Therefore today commencement of work type entrance ceremony preceding day rushingly rushingly rushing…
- This day entrance ceremony!
http://ameblo.jp/macamacamacaron/entry-10497664815.html Today is entrance ceremony of the daughter, but…To meet the difficult rain furthermore the downpour with special care clear stage is ruinous, if so you say, day of graduation ceremony and today when it is the weather which will not be been clear although the bicycle are purchase schedule, (t_t) the appearance of the sky is regrettable, but the air it is agreeable keeps inserting feeling brightly and
- weblog title
http://ameblo.jp/ex07ex/entry-10498361277.html Today is school large entrance ceremony, the ~
Entrance ceremony, japanese culture, Education,