- (2012/2/3 gold) ermine of right neck injection green onion burning envy [tsu] [te] [ezu] - [tsu] [okojiyo
http://blog.livedoor.jp/softmedia/archives/51738847.html 2012/2/3 gold 18: 07, a liberal translation 2012/2/3 18:07 золота
- New selection group preview!!, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/taki-shin/entry-11129601902.html 2012 March 7th (water) ~11 day (day) actor seat theater, a liberal translation 7-ое марта 2012 (вода) театр места актера ~11 дня (дня)
- opinion piece , evaluation / appreciation , suggestions, discussion, debate, issues, reviews, thoughts, feedback,
http://blog.livedoor.jp/parfair921/archives/51750072.html Concerning “the starry☆sky” animation screening meeting of 10:20 February 3rd (Thursday) broadcast schedule the apology Относительно «starry☆sky» встречи скрининга одушевленност 10: План-график передачи 20-ое февраля 3 rd (четверг) извинение
- These are a Lots of Japanese the most recent topics.
http://seasons12.blog94.fc2.com/blog-entry-1099.html 2011/02/322: 36/thu | Super dollar fee | cm (0) | tb (-) 2011/02/322: 36/thu | Супер гонорар доллара | cm (0) | tb (-)
Volume Ehou, Food And Drinks , japanese culture,