- From western astrology to paragraph amount
http://miumusic.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2012-02-03 “As for your lucky color red” as for “as for present romantic love luck highest” how, it is not to be believed quite, but when by the fact that the planet changes the position with the celestial body, by his is born, delicate effect is produced on the sensor and the information which are input, it is it is not applying, - it is with not to be, thing it is to feel, a liberal translation « Quant à votre rouge chanceux de couleur » quant à « quant à la chance romantique actuelle d'amour le plus haut » comment, il ne doit pas être cru tout à fait, mais quand par le fait que la planète change la position avec le corps céleste, par le sien est l'effet né et sensible est produit sur la sonde et l'information qui est entrée, c'est lui ne s'applique pas, - il est avec de ne pas être, chose qu'il est de se sentir
- Saint Valentine's Day
http://toshigonopapanikki.seesaa.net/article/186623084.html It became slow, but story of the Saint Valentine's Day this year how, the family four person who receives the handmade cookie from the niece [tsu] child receiving, it received tastily with everyone, thank you from the mother and the [ma] [hi], it has buying the cake at the store of the kindred of the mother, there tastily receives and to tell the truth the day when it has buying the cake the better wooden pail treat way is to have gone out in the family, but by your “as for 2 people you see with periodic medical examination of the dentist and there is no [re, a liberal translation 它变得慢,但是今年圣徒情人节的故事,四人的家庭谁从接受甥女[tsu]的孩子接受手工制造曲奇饼,它怎么接受了鲜美地与大家,感谢您从母亲和[ma] [喂],它有买蛋糕在母亲的亲属的商店,那里鲜美地接受,并且告诉真相天,当它有买蛋糕更好的木桶款待方式时是出去了在家庭,但是由您“至于您看见与牙医的周期性身体检查的2个人的,并且没有[关于
- As for ogre outside
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kaeru-to-otama_itumo-nakayoshi/e/d8861fdc702cd1de0f36037c3a9021ae “Because it is not lovely”, you made [tsu] [te] by yourself, it is it is, a liberal translation « Puisqu'il n'est pas beau », vous avez fait [tsu] [te] par votre, il est lui est
- Temas japoneses, temas, opiniones y sugerencias, pensamientos, opiniones, debate, pensamiento
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/shuu-cream1022/e/a5488a5329334aa51bb59de5f7228916 “The [u] - it is, satisfaction”, a liberal translation « [U] - il est, la satisfaction »
- Did you find the information you're looking for? This person may know the things that you want to know.
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/k-tomoko/20110203 “Oh buying the food to the return which the high noodles would like to eat” with [konbini], as for returning home 10 o'clock before, it is unusual and “is bad it is bad, it became slowly, that -” it stood that way in the kitchen, made my noodles, a liberal translation « Oh achetant la nourriture au retour avec lequel les hautes nouilles voudraient manger » [konbini], quant à la maison de renvoi 10 heures avant, il est peu commun et « est mauvais il est mauvais, il est devenu lentement, que - » il a tenu cette manière dans la cuisine, faite mes nouilles
Setsubun bean -, japanese culture,