- 節分
With its traditional end of winter, many people are more than usual 憑藉其傳統的冬季的結束,許多人比平常更多
- *節分~2010
Given the first day of spring and New Year, New Year s Eve Setsubun while Belgium, with great means祓U the evil of the previous year, get rid of the devil as one of the event sowing beans has been 由於春天的第一天,新年,除夕節分而比利時,以極大的手段祓ü的邪惡前一年,擺脫魔鬼的作為一個事件的“撒豆”已
- 恵方巻きと豆
Setsubun, extremely cold yesterday and today is the first day of spring 節分,極冷的昨天和今天,是春天的第一天
- 手作り恵方巻き
Setsubun and the original split season clause refers to the Sun that is shifting the seasons, of spring,立夏, beginning of fall, one day before the first day of winter each year there were four times! In Japan, however, especially the first day of spring as the beginning of the year for the honor, is enjoyable, is I only had to point to the spring Setsubun Setsubun Speaking progressively 節分和原來的“分裂季節”條款指的是太陽的轉移季節,春天,立夏,秋天的開始前一天的第一天,每年冬季有4倍!在日本,但是,特別是第一天春天開始的一年為榮譽,是愉快的,是我只有指向春季節分節分上逐步
Setsubun bean -, japanese culture,