- 恵方巻きはないけども
ーdemon masks today s bean-husband the night was made so hastily wrapped w Ehou Get the next year did not want to eat -ー ー魔鬼面具今天的豆丈夫晚上写了这样匆匆结束瓦特Ehou获取明年不想吃-ー
- 節分
Setsubun course dinner today I bought a sushi roll! 节分晚餐,今天我买了寿司卷!
- ☆節分☆
祓Imashita the disaster of the year today to be greeted by a lovely spring Setsubun 祓Imashita今年灾难迎接今天是一个春光明媚的节分
- 禾・田集抄 巻頭三句【2月】更新
Today is Setsubun,豆撒Ki Did you? And from the first day of spring tomorrow! I tried to blog in that spring specifications 今天是节分,豆撒文是吗?从春季的第一天,明天!我试图在这个春天博客规格
- 恵方巻き
What did you eat today Everyone is winding Ehou Setsubun 你吃什么今天大家都在清盘Ehou节分
Setsubun bean -, japanese culture,