- [yamazakipuraza] Ichikawa
http://ameblo.jp/momokt24/entry-10878363454.html Look one had entered in, Mire uno había entrado adentro,
- Pas [a] ~ [n] of [yamazaki]*, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/naomichocolate/entry-10709794994.html , a liberal translation Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
- [rutsukuchiyokokorune, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/octbertwenty/entry-10877694132.html Because the cream in very the milk fat fully is feeling, outside unexpected is the sweet chocolate Porque la crema en muy la grasa láctea está sintiendo completamente, fuera de inesperado está el chocolate dulce
- , a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/green319/entry-11132678884.html The cream has entered into the apple and under that in, a liberal translation La crema ha entrado en la manzana y debajo de ésa adentro
- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://ameblo.jp/green319/entry-11104274834.html The pizza source and the cheese have entered in La fuente de la pizza y el queso han entrado adentro
- , a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/green319/entry-11130775958.html Pork Calais having entered in, being a little spicy, the shank Cerdo Calais que entra adentro, siendo un poco picante, la caña
- yamazaki ���� kinako meronpan ��
El venir la crema ha entrado adentro, denso
- May be linked to more detailed information..
http://ameblo.jp/miri0326/entry-10686248037.html Strawberry jam and the whip of the pulp entering as for the jam which the sand is done are not many quantitatively so in, it is, but that the [ro] [tsu] and being lenient to go to the whole, because it crosses, the satisfaction ant El atasco de fresa y el azote de la pulpa que entra en cuanto al atasco que la arena se hace no son muchos cuantitativo tan adentro, él es, solamente eso [ro] [tsu] y siendo clementes ir al conjunto, porque cruza, la hormiga de la satisfacción
- pan ��� shu^
http://ameblo.jp/miri0326/entry-10825338669.html The cream fully the [ro] is with after being loose, the inserting cream and, having in and/or the first-in cream of the [me] being brought together heavily, becoming such as exactly good smooth mouth, it increases La crema [ro] está completamente con después de ser floja, la crema de inserción y, teniendo adentro y/o primero-en la crema del [yo] que es reunido pesadamente, convertirse tal como boca lisa exactamente buena, él aumenta
- original letters
http://m-star.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-11-12-1 Because apple jam has gone length in the cream in, tasting the apple gnawing wherever, it can enjoy, a liberal translation Porque el atasco de la manzana tiene longitud ida en la crema adentro, probando la manzana que roe dondequiera que, puede gozar
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