- Feed November 14th of 10, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/tenagazarunochi-cyan/entry-10707838936.html 2 cake doughnuts of [yamazaki В пакете обеда [yamazaki] нового товара
- Cheese hamburger
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/wassi_3/53689665.html As for [chizuhanba] of [yamazaki] - with convenient food shank, a liberal translation Как для [chizuhanba] [yamazaki] - с удобным хвостовиком еды
- Banana special
http://ameblo.jp/northfoxsilver/entry-10913741712.html Banana special of [yamazaki Экстренныйый выпуск банана [yamazaki
- The south it is white the [ma] wind cream, a liberal translation
http://catmint.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/07/post.html The lunch pack [tsu] [te] of [yamazaki], the [tsu] which does it is and puts out type all the way and does not overtake tasting! Пакет обеда [tsu] [te] [yamazaki], [tsu] который делает его и кладет вне тип полностью и не настигает дегустацию!
- , a liberal translation
Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
- The lunch pack south it is white the [ma] wind cream
http://ikkosan-tokyo.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-07-28-1 When [yamazaki] a certain pan is tasty В пакете обеда [yamazaki] нового товара
- Hokkaido
http://ameblo.jp/haru-note-net/entry-10711805586.html The Hokkaido cheese steaming cake tastiness of [yamazaki] it is and the [tsu] does the ♪ Сыр Хоккаидо испаряясь tastiness торта [yamazaki] его и [tsu] делает ♪
- 'Those which are gathered unintentionally' (your [burogu] from “this week of theatrical company Milky Way subject”), a liberal translation
http://kuroda-saori.at.webry.info/201104/article_13.html The plate series whose [yamazaki] is white this time first challenge!, a liberal translation Серии плиты которых [yamazaki] бело это время сперва бросают вызов!
- It returned
http://ppc-cookies.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/04/post-23c1.html 99 Yen sale you do mellow of [yamazaki] to do, Сбывание 99 иен вы mellow [yamazaki] для того чтобы сделать,
- Spring limitation
http://page-only-one.cocolog-nifty.com/imotora7/2011/04/post-c54d.html The liquor [ma] of [yamazaki] is the mother who interest does not show completely is, the panda [ma], w which immediately produces the hand, a liberal translation Ликер [ma] [yamazaki] мать которую интерес не показывает вполне, панда [ma], w чточто немедленно производит руку
- Softly the cake sand melon pan, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/shokupan-nikki/entry-10940012471.html Because [yamazaki] it is soft softly to the ear, a liberal translation Мягк лоток дыни песка торта [yamazaki
- Softly the bread chocolate, a liberal translation
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/anko2525smile/diary/201101110000/ Softly the bread of [yamazaki, a liberal translation Мягк хлеб [yamazaki
- The allergy it is dangerous
http://ameblo.jp/aisurukokoro/entry-11110761825.html Roundly every the banana of [yamazaki] you cannot eat, don't you think? it is Кругло каждо банан [yamazaki] вас не можете съесть, вы не думаете? оно
- Tokyo smart driver car came!, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/peko_iwa/e/0f84042ea071daa337ace68674037093 Also [yamazaki] doing smart driver declaration, that you think whether it probably will paste the sticker of the checker mark in the pre- mortar, Также [yamazaki] делающ франтовское объявление водителя, то вы думаете наклеит ли оно вероятно стикер метки контролера в pre- ступке,
- The book of this “food” is [sugo]!
http://dain.cocolog-nifty.com/myblog/2011/10/post-bef8.html In me who love the apple pie of [yamazaki] the [tsu] [chi] [ya], the beginning experience В мне которые любят расстегай яблока [yamazaki] [tsu] [хи] [ya], опыт начала
- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
http://furitani.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-03-21 Being able to buy also the bread of [yamazaki], it was possible to approach well, a liberal translation Могущ купить также хлеб [yamazaki], было возможно причалить наилучшим образом
- Japanese talking
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kencc2/33608637.html 3 entering melon pans of [yamazaki] are tasty, the [tsu] which seems it does - - - - (the ^^)/, a liberal translation 3 входя в лотка дыни [yamazaki] вкусны, [tsu] который кажется оно делают - - - - () ^^/
- weblog title
http://ameblo.jp/tenagazarunochi-cyan/entry-10709652001.html 2 cake doughnuts of [yamazaki В пакете обеда [yamazaki] нового товара
Yamazaki, retail sales, Food And Drinks , Business,