- [Horse racing] 2012 as for beginning the year plate! Drama of new one year opens the curtain! “Nakayama plate” “Kyoto plate”
http://kaz-yama.cocolog-nifty.com/keiba/2012/01/post-645e.html Victory horse “cosmopolitan phantom” of last year, victory horse “[akushion]” of the year before last appears, a liberal translation 胜利马“世界性幽灵”去年,胜利马“[akushion]”在为时之前的年出现
- original letters
http://kaz-yama.cocolog-nifty.com/keiba/2011/01/post-5059.html Ace “[naritakurisutaru]” of summer of last year and, a liberal translation 优胜突破“[naritakurisutaru]”夏天去年和
- 宝塚記念。
http://zulele.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/06/post-a27f.html At all the connected Tsushima of all the 15 races/laces of last year you try looking father horse when, 在去年所有15根种族或鞋带所有被连接的津岛您设法看父亲马,当,
Jinbei Kyoto, Gamble,