- This sentences has translated into English and Japanese sentences are linked.
http://fast-rock.seesaa.net/article/180761001.html “The plate possibility of exclusion to be high, because starting running the Kanai [tsu] [te] was transport horse racing temporarily, now morning the end only it is in the single running, [satsu “A possibilidade da placa de exclusão a ser elevada, porque começar funcionando o Kanai [tsu] [te] era corrida de cavalos do transporte temporariamente, agora manhã a extremidade somente está no único corredor, [satsu
- W金杯
http://moshoryo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/01/post-bb03.html Such 5 days are the plate with Kyoto & Nakayama Tais 5 dias são a placa com Kyoto & Nakayama
- 金杯
http://kingyohime.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/01/post-b2d9.html And, what and with the Kyoto plate the live concert which has been made the favorite as for victory at the time of the [a] ~ [tsu] buying [tsu] the [ya] was good,… with thinking, it is helpless?, a liberal translation E, que e com a placa de Kyoto o concerto vivo que foi feito ao favorito quanto para à vitória na altura da compra do ~ [a] [tsu] [tsu] [ya] era bom,… com pensamento, é insolúvel?
Jinbei Kyoto, Gamble,