- From tomorrow, it is the Fukuyama rose celebration.
http://fuukitei.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/05/post-a459.html 5 gatsu 30 nichi �� mizu �� 3 ��� anniversary Stadt Saijo Cho Misono 30. Mai-(Mittwoch) 3rdanniversary [pasuteiyu] (Pastillen) Higashi Hiroschima Raum/großes Haus 8568 - 1611:00 ~16: 00 Ereignisse 29. Mai 31-Tage öffnen sich
- Rose celebration end it is distant business of the store, a liberal translation
http://fuukitei.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/05/post-6272.html 5 gatsu 30 nichi �� mizu �� 3 ��� anniversary Stadt Saijo Cho Misono 30. Mai-(Mittwoch) 3rdanniversary [pasuteiyu] (Pastillen) Higashi Hiroschima Raum/großes Haus 8568 - 1611:00 ~16: 00 Ereignisse 29. Mai 31-Tage öffnen sich
- Tomorrow is Okayama [amiteiemarushie].
http://fuukitei.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/05/post-2317.html 5 gatsu 10 nichi �� 11 nichi �� ki �� kin �� 10. Mai 11-Tage (hölzernes Gold) Haga [amiteiemarushie] in der San- Josehügel Okayama-Stadt NordKu 1735-8810: 00~16: 00
- The flower it arrived.
http://fuukitei.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/05/post-a4a9.html 5 gatsu 10 nichi �� 11 nichi �� ki �� kin �� 10. Mai 11-Tage (hölzernes Gold) Haga [amiteiemarushie] in der San- Josehügel Okayama-Stadt NordKu 1735-8810: 00~16: 00
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