- Mothers Day
http://blog.livedoor.jp/masari3/archives/51980864.html Well, now weekend at Mothers Day the shank, a liberal translation Bien, weekend maintenant au jour de mères la jambe
- How to take the photograph, a liberal translation
http://galu.livedoor.biz/archives/51858204.html Well, today story of how to take the photograph, a liberal translation Bien, aujourd'hui histoire de la façon prendre la photographie
- Onion slice
http://galu.livedoor.biz/archives/51862123.html Well, now season of the new onion Bien, maintenant saison du nouvel oignon
- Every month 1st Friday common usage! As for woman to 1 o'clock admission no charge! To drink 1 o'clock half price!
http://ameblo.jp/uncutflava/entry-11212880536.html Well, now weekend this it is!, a liberal translation Bien, weekend maintenant ceci qu'il est !
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