- After the kana which how will do here,
http://meridian.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2012-04-26 So, you probably will write the article of the glee with, thinking, the [ru] it is Ainsi, vous écrirez probablement l'article de l'allégresse avec, pensée, [RU] il est
- Oh - The image processing software “it is the version upgrade to of GIMP 2.8”, (^ ' ^)
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/s_t13oo/e/8868978a3ea828bb850b63970df36fa5 So, it is gimp free, a liberal translation Ainsi, c'est ganse libre
- Ring.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/rioj/archives/65650440.html So, it has halted and it is [chi] [ya] useless what, don't you think?, a liberal translation Ainsi, il s'est arrêté et est-il [chi] [ya] inutile ce que, vous ne pensez pas ?
- Facebook, a liberal translation
http://jumping-pig.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/facebook.html So, is installed the software which, Ainsi, est installé le logiciel qui,
- Spring full-blown 2012, a liberal translation
http://kazukoba0928.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2012-04-08 So, you killed!! Cutting which is good, a liberal translation Ainsi, vous avez tué ! ! Coupant qui est bon
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