- Giving birth, it increases
http://blog.livedoor.jp/keiko_007/archives/51810100.html Well, the combining which this evening you give birth Bem, a combinação de que esta noite você dá o nascimento
- Or only like
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/pinkyrabiko37/29481943.html Well, yesterday portion of the workplace was and drinking meeting, a liberal translation Bem, ontem a parcela do local de trabalho era e reunião bebendo
- paypal mail liquidation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/novelnoon/archives/51801648.html Well, yesterday, even at this store Bem, ontem, mesmo nesta loja
- News of beads kit re-sale*, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/novelnoon/archives/51801839.html Well, this day, as for the kit which re-sells, a liberal translation Bem, este dia, quanto para ao jogo que revende
- 996 TEX art finished product! It is twin turbo 470ps!!!
http://ameblo.jp/garagecurrent/entry-11202505842.html Well, to tell the truth tomorrow new warehousing car Bem, para dizer amanhã o carro de armazenamento novo da verdade
- Every month 1st Friday common usage! As for woman to 1 o'clock admission no charge! To drink 1 o'clock half price!
http://ameblo.jp/uncutflava/entry-11212880536.html Well, now weekend this it is!, a liberal translation Bem, weekend agora isto que é!
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