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○■ recent entries... recent entries | You live the respective American somewhere you talk the world from the thing penthouse which international overseas advance different industry salon worldwide strategic now can be made I? Southeast Asian 11 national comparisons, a liberal translation
○■ When it tries the [bikuts u] 21:42 from picplz rice probably to go to eating in sound of urgent earthquake bulletin of 19:30 from web [sumaho], we it is longer than gw, [kora]!!, a liberal translation
○■ lineに招待したい人 をタッ... The person who would like to invite to line the tap will be done
○■ The honor pure American s ing 醸 liquor liquor of @circlelucky 14:21 from tweet button Ishii brewing Soga. Clearly the #mypix 17:48 from tweet button [ru] noble which from meeting Odawara station east oral… @takayaichi where prosperous kana loves the area liquor of the [wa] the 17:17 from mypix cat aimed * in Hanami and the going out the ♪ stainless steel make lunch box (lunch box) 3 kind monitors | Import brand Western food vessel specialty store “[ru] noble .com” fan sight… by takayaichi ON twitter, a liberal translation
○■ 4 月 9 (月) ・12 ... April 9 (month) 12 days (wood) 13 days (gold) 14 days (Saturday)
○■ And now morning it is not typhoon passing, it forces refreshingly with bomb low pressure passing and it is the blue sky, a liberal translation
○■ ■microsoft、ao... ■m icrosoft and aol special. In purchase and license agreement during approximately 1,000,000,000 dollar payment patent war intensification, with auction it competed in google, facebook and and others and microsoft which wins, purchased the patent of 800 cases from aol, concluded non monopolistic license agreement concerning the patent of 300 cases
○■ わでぃさんの投稿 たなう結婚式... The [i] you contributed with the [wa] the couple which refrained from [u] wedding necessary seeing! Ipad2 application “cocoro” of wedding board 0:04 supported by aquos? As for the television of →apple “ipanel”? The 0:04 being purchased certainly, service in order the data to move from… instagram those which are not absorbed may be buried, five 0:04 new ipad [pic] - 1:07 and [tsu] [pa] [dekai] - retinadisplay 3:29 retina display [pic] - It is the one which is not 4:29 @06masai
○■ In addition, with twitter account of emblem “[ripuran]” of [ripuran] active! We have delivered news and “now” of [ripuran] etc
○■ ☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*☆* ☆*゚... ☆* ゚ & ゚ *☆*☆* ゚ ☆* ゚ & ゚ *☆*☆* ゚ detective corporation gal agency Saitama south… -> In detective direct access -> the detective & ゚ *☆*☆* ゚ of detective or Saitama & ゚ *☆゜ ゚ *☆*☆* ゚ & ゚ *, a liberal translation
○■ * It turned from end of y ear 2011 extending through the beginning of the year 2012, (New Year's Day) it is near nuclear plant 3rd day from Yato
○■ ☆風評被害に負け な!!(たび... * It is defeated to rumor damage!! (Each time it is supporting the store of the cancer/gun val companion, it increases the wax)
○■ … Raising the bulletin of suffering area of the end of year beginning of the year, it increases, (following to be possible! )
○■ function showhi... functi on showhide (id) {var disp = document.getelementbyid (id) .style.display;, a liberal translation
○■ As for the photograph tho se which rode in the patrol car and the fire truck with Thanksgiving Day of the Yonago automobile school
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