- The east Japanese competition wheel place, successively to the discontinuance after the April
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/yoroshiku109/e/9ba3f76edff0bada2d4a8b5e790cbd99 Temporarily, concerning the west Japanese competition wheel place gradually, but from April it may come to the point of reopening, as for great influence appearing it is inevitable in commemoration and the like 临时地,关于西部日本竞争轮子地方逐渐,但是从4月它也许来到点再开,至于为出现巨大的影响不可避免的在记念等等
- Pruning 12th day tip/chip tunnel correcting vehicle inspection, a liberal translation
http://asahibudouen.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/02/12-e942.html Temporarily, as for [torasaido] it may it reach the point where in one day after you can do with anytime 临时地,至于为[torasaido]它愿它到达点在一天,在您能做与任何时候之后
- Present heart!, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/akampione/archives/51677383.html Temporarily, but the preschool September of this year it is the seniority which probably will be entwined 临时地,但是学龄前9月今年它是大概将纠缠的资历
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/mo_jisan/62465948.html It is greeting in the temporarily, spring, a liberal translation 它临时地是在的问候,春天
First spring storm, japanese culture, Nature,