- [ me^ru koushin ] su^ chan shikyo ��
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/magnumkobayashi/diary/201104220000/ [kiyandeizu] participating as for, me is time of the preschool [kiyandeizu]参与至于为,我是幼稚园的时期
- tsuitou karaoke
http://blog.livedoor.jp/hagi3_music/archives/51824975.html Perhaps, there is no the sled [ya] excessiveness for the generation who does not know [kiyandeizu], it does, but…, a liberal translation 或许,没有不知道的世代的雪撬[ya]过度[kiyandeizu],它,但是…
- minna isshoni ������ hanguri^
http://ameblo.jp/sisicoco/entry-10882150822.html While inquiring about [kiyandeizu], the grandfather farm working, you just imagine just a little it is smile-provoking?? 当询问[kiyandeizu]时,祖父农厂工作,您想象一点它微笑挑衅? ?
- weblog title
http://autumnhero.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/10/post-8c2d.html 'Spring of [kiyandeizu] the first' opposite feeling (laughing)? ‘春天的[kiyandeizu]第一’在感觉(笑)对面?
First spring storm, japanese culture, Nature,