- Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/yama0926jp/29900897.html Partner ○ [jienteirudonna] - sound of heart △ [meishiyousuzanna] △ [aimuyuazu] △ [vuirushina] △ [episearomu] △ [pararasaru 伙伴○ [jienteirudonna] -心脏△ [meishiyousuzanna] △ [aimuyuazu] △ [vuirushina] △ [episearomu] △ [pararasaru的声音
- Very this year it does not hit no matter what, * end is struck. ~ Ouka prize ~, a liberal translation
http://angelsworld.blog65.fc2.com/blog-entry-532.html Because it is limited race/lace of the 72nd Ouka prize starting running horse 01 [damudouratsuku] 02 [episearomu] 03 Omega heartland 04 sunshine 05 [pararasaru] 06 [eishinkinchiemu] 07 [meishiyousuzanna] 08 [maineepona] 09 [ichiokunohoshi] 10 [jienteirudonna] 11 [aimuyuazu] 12 [purenotato] 13 sound of heart 14 [tosenbenizakura] 15 [vuirushina] 16 fine choice 17 [jiyowadovuivuru] 18 [arahune] young 3 year old mares, there is the image that the jockey well cannot work the maidens and to be good becomes “Ouka prize pace of the demon,” becomes the result of becoming rough, don't you think? 由于它是开始连续马01 [damudouratsuku的]第72个Ouka奖的有限的种族或鞋带02 [episearomu] 03 Ω中心区域04阳光05 [pararasaru] 06 [eishinkinchiemu] 07 [meishiyousuzanna] 08 [maineepona] 09 [ichiokunohoshi] 10 [jienteirudonna] 11 [aimuyuazu] 12 [purenotato] 13心脏14 [tosenbenizakura的]声音15 [vuirushina] 16美好的选择17 [jiyowadovuivuru] 18匹[arahune]幼小三岁的母马,有图象骑师井不可能运作未婚,并且是好成为“邪魔的Ouka得奖的步幅”,成为粗砺成为的结果您是否不认为?
- 19th tulip prize (G? ) Expectation, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/shonanzakkaten/e/3803e3b8242b4576634008b69632f7f2 19th tulip prize expectation [jiyowadovuivurujienteirudonnahukunohatsuhimeepisearomuuinguzamungorudenmun] , a liberal translation 第19郁金香奖期望 [jiyowadovuivurujienteirudonnahukunohatsuhimeepisearomuuinguzamungorudenmun]
Gentildonna, Gamble,