- ★TheMe 1778★, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/shirai-love/entry-10856130654.html Temporarily, when it collects, ww which was funny and is, a liberal translation Temporairement, quand il se rassemble, ww qui était drôle et est
- Any dropping things of the [so] and others with this and become for a while in the gag part kana, a liberal translation
http://lyris-claimhsolais.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-b222.html Temporarily, the superior run car being too strong, that after this how it probably will become Temporairement, la voiture supérieure de course étant trop forte, cela après ceci comment il deviendra probablement
- Today it leaps, -
http://ameblo.jp/flower-yume/entry-10997665406.html Temporarily, now the [se], as for can thing Temporairement, maintenant [Se], quant à la chose de bidon
- As for [wa] [tsu] -., a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/mr8v8_dada/45597691.html As for the current my request employment being decided temporarily (laughing) with, cup thing living!! Quant au courant mon emploi de demande étant décidé temporairement (riant) avec, chose de tasse vivant ! !
- , a liberal translation
http://moe-dora.at.webry.info/201107/article_10.html Temporarily it is float love!! Temporairement c'est amour de flotteur ! !
- World& #39; s End
http://ameblo.jp/suzukiyurika/entry-11032849741.html The [wa] whose temporarily, price of the locale is cheap [Wa] dont temporairement, prix du lieu est bon marché
- [orikonrankingu
http://ameblo.jp/017325/entry-10996492583.html Temporarily while expecting to the future of [sumaireji], you support Ogawa future?, a liberal translation Temporairement tout en prévoyant au futur de [sumaireji], vous soutenez le futur d'Ogawa ?
- Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
http://ameblo.jp/keroro000/entry-10876818068.html As for today borrowing temporarily… Quant à aujourd'hui empruntant temporairement…
ViVi, Fashion,