- The Jehovah witness it comes, a liberal translation
http://nejisiki27.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/09/post-e22c.html The combining which probably is what which should replace supervision after all A combinação que é provavelmente que que deve substituir a supervisão após tudo
- Horse racing diary
http://blog.livedoor.jp/negio1826/archives/65765686.html After all, the Derby damage spoiling the body, is not [ru], probably will be? Apesar de tudo, o dano de Derby que estraga o corpo, não é [ru], provavelmente será?
- Y which after all is self-destruction.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/negio1826/archives/65764562.html After all the Nakayama pride (the small turn pride?)Came out and passed and it was feeling, a liberal translation Após todo o orgulho de Nakayama (orgulho pequeno da volta?)Saiu e passou e estava sentindo
- Being first, Y which is sinking.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/negio1826/archives/65769885.html After all, is not that mile is best, probably will be? Apesar de tudo, não é que a milha é a melhor, provavelmente será?
Orfevre, Gamble,