- There is a tomorrow, there is a tomorrow. There is a tomorrow before the day after tomorrow., a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/akitin1/archives/52221603.html Favorite candidacy stops being, at present time at the extent where we would like to aim for [danonmiru], still to decide has been unable Os batentes favoritos da candidatura que são, cronometram presentemente na extensão onde nós gostaríamos de apontar para [danonmiru], para decidir ainda foram incapazes
- Future schedule, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/sankyo_1977/e/53ba6161cb8f219fc0388f0fedc362c2 As for Satuki prize how seeing, being physical condition defective, outside reference Quanto para ao prêmio de Satuki como vendo, sendo condição física defeituosa, referência exterior
- nippon da^bi^
http://ameblo.jp/tm-after5/entry-10906791506.html Following to Satuki prize, 8th [hueitohuruo] the favorite Seguindo ao prêmio de Satuki, 8o [hueitohuruo] o favorito
- It is languid the main [o] -
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/hiroyukichan0420/44874030.html As for Satuki prize, △ [oruhuevuru] victory,* Although [sadamupatetsuku] came to 2, in 3 arrivals with [danonbarado] the [do] [tsu] - it is the [a] which is Quanto para ao prêmio de Satuki, vitória do △ [oruhuevuru], * embora [sadamupatetsuku] venha a 2, em 3 chegadas com [danonbarado] [faça] [tsu] - é [a] que é
- Decisive battle in rain? 2011 Japanese Derby!
http://blog.livedoor.jp/wondre_ring/archives/1697537.html With Satuki prize it is to be the favorite, but appraisal is dropped lineage Com prêmio de Satuki é ser o favorito, mas a avaliação é linhagem deixada cair
Orfevre, Gamble,