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○■ それを記念したサ トがオープ... The sight which commemorates that opened, a liberal translation
○■ With the notion that wher e, very and very one person of blowing substitution dubbing artist position of the characters among those is the person in sect Shigeru, it is to face to the cinema to a pleasure, but the accompanying person “being fixed, in subtitle group of non [wota] feeling bad extent because the person in his person of the large lord which appears in [ru] Warring States hit and miss is dubbed-in with the mouth of like ripping with dubbing,” as for the mania which wears the skin of the 淑 woman who could not be said in (3d) seeing gentlely besides with subtitle, a liberal translation
○■ こんなナビでも出 てみようか... The kana which it will try putting out even in such a Nabi -
○■ …歴史ネタも混ぜ るので幸三... … Mixing also historical news item, because the [ru] when happiness three is, the kind of air which 2 or 3 is not relationship does, but (laughing) being too favorite happiness village of 2, it means that the hand may draw happiness village of 2 selfishly, (laughing)
○■ … When just the picture of this castle town internal affair you see, as done “hit and miss”, you cannot think, don't you think?
○■ basaraより素敵な方 が... Cuter people than basara are the large quantity, a liberal translation
○■ Because as for 3ds the so ftware has not entered and if it registers also the [te] and there is a saving data plural titles can pass each other, the using selfishness around communicating is better than ds, a liberal translation
○■ さっぱり、わがん ・・・... At all, don't you think? our it is,… (laughing)
○■ 皆様こんばんは^ ^12月10... Everyone densely it is, it is ranking of the ^-^ December 10th ⇒ dynamite day Celebration next ~ love 34040p of fist hardness palm 35110p5 rank 472nd unit flower of fist hardness palm 36060p4 rank 224th unit great bear of 1 rank 217th unit tiger mask 68920p2 rank 109th unit [vuanherushingu] 39920p3 rank 237th unit great bear 1 rank 587th unit new ogre warrior 8108m2 rank 661st unit green the fist 7397m3 rank 595th unit new ogre warrior 6884m4 rank 606th unit we empty 6275m5 rank 656th unit of heaven green like above fist 5984m of the heaven it became the result!! And the event on the 11th of tomorrow dramatic event 'weekend revolution' this time is enormous! Dramatic morning 9 o'clock %
○■ Even book numerically, on ly the Warring States hit and miss 3empires and several books it changed and limited edition of the person whose, price of the charm attachment is cheap doing absence of stock first, because it increased, perhaps, a little number being was good already, - (the ¯▽¯;)
○■ 新台入替自粛期間
終わり~ッ... It ends also new stand entrance substitution self-control period, ~ [tsutsu]!!
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