- [to] ゙ [riho] ゙ victory luck @ [shiyuichi]*
http://ameblo.jp/miyukame223/entry-10927896588.html Turtle pear of kat-tun and Tanaka, and we in are to be round, a liberal translation La pera de la tortuga de la kat-cuba y Tanaka, y nosotros adentro somos estar alrededor
- The [yu] [tsu] [chi] & it is - the way, “R-ONE KAT-TUN”! It is - the way, you aim for the younger sister of the [yu] [tsu] [chi]! Laughing) as for “KAT-TUN'S MANUAL” it is - the way! It is - the way, you question with your air my C license acquisition [me], (the ≧∀≦) yesterday “[orisuta]” cover it photographed KAT-TUN it seems! In salt village sentence Kaori [burogu] KAT-TUN [sorio]!
http://blog.livedoor.jp/bathkame/archives/51803079.html Photographing the kat-tun cover of May 20th sale number schedule, the [wa] where also the one which the feeling which is quicker than the usual does is two, a liberal translation Fotografiando la cubierta de la kat-cuba de la venta del 20 de mayo numere el horario, [wa] donde también está dos el que lo hace la sensación que es más rápida que el generalmente
http://blog.livedoor.jp/bathkame/archives/51790884.html It is turtle pear Kazuya of kat-tun”, with it started, it spoke comment and the recent condition etc of the member which worry everyone, a liberal translation Es pera Kazuya de la tortuga de la kat-cuba”, con él comenzó, él habló el comentario y la condición reciente los etc del miembro que se preocupan cada uno
Shuichi, Entertainment,