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○■ 豆乳のみで捏ね上 たものや雑... The thing and the miscellaneous grain crop to temper with only the bean milk, flavor of [sesami] and the powder the BASIC and the like which is moved by richly, even, that way to a sand it is tasty simple [beguru] & set of the muffin
○■ 朝のritualは相変わ ず... Ritual of morning is as usual dense milk tea, but as for drinking in the noon the Chinese brown is many recently
○■ Normally, you think that it is cake [tsu] [te] one, it is, but also two riding in the plate, coming out, you are surprised! (The photograph of yesterday viewing
○■ 明日は長距離を運 しなければ... Tomorrow must drive long distance, because, you try to pay attention to road surface circumstance, a liberal translation
○■ 実際に飲んでみる 「甘酸っぱ... Actually when it tries drinking, “it is sweet-sour!”The beer, rather than no [te] you say, just the chocolate it is the beer, expression is not possible, (laughing)
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