- As for your name?
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/9tarou111/e/4dd835ef8cf06acbbae6cdf9f8bb065d It is word of that time, but… Es palabra de ese tiempo, pero…
- When election gets near
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/asagao_may/e/8ebfacc24725711e41c5921339da8d68 That time a more prudent action than the staff of city was taken Esa vez medidas más prudentes que el personal de la ciudad fueron tomadas
- [evueresuto] which was seen from the 26 north and south both of the picture postcard of the world
http://dsching.cocolog-nifty.com/bohemien/2011/12/post-75a3.html Impression of that time is not forgotten even now La impresión de ese tiempo incluso ahora no se olvida
- It tries answering to search word.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/hutottyosr/e/9e730a6149239946d2039825492ac924 As for branch length of that time, however it is the senior of my Konaka school,…, a liberal translation En cuanto a longitud de la rama de ese tiempo, no obstante es el mayor de mi escuela de Konaka,…
New Yearu0026#39;s cards, japanese culture, Livelihood,