- 再建不能にした日本航空の親方日の丸体質!公的資金導入は天下りに食い荒らされるだけ!
Greed was reluctant to reduce corporate pension plans fell to the non-ob as a result the reconstruction Airlines 贪婪是不愿意减少企业的养老金计划倒在非结果重建航空公司肥胖
- 観察2009.11.6
Proposed reconstruction of two pillars of Japan Airlines, companies began to undertake a review of the pension deficit and the abolition of the line 两个日本航空拟重建的支柱,公司开始进行的养老金赤字审查和线取消
- 日航現役社員、年金減額に同意 退職者は予断許さず
Day. Active employees, retirees Airlines agreed to a reduction in the turnaround plan prejudge tolerate four days over a 12 month reduction in corporate pension plans are required for active employees and retirees to the Sun on time, active employees (approximately 16,000 thousand) for minutes, necessary for the implementation of the reduced two-thirds said it received approval from more than 白天。在职职工,退休人员航空公司同意,在重组计划预先减少4天多的企业养老金计划的12个月减少容忍的是在职员工和退休人员需要在太阳的时间,在职雇员(约16000万人)为分钟,必要减少的两个执行三分之二表示,已获得超过批准
- 現役には5割—都内で説明会
Nikko, ob pension u003d 3 percent reduction in circulation is present 5 percent - during the briefing in Tokyo on Japan Airlines turnaround * 9205 is 23, in Tokyo for a reduction of corporate pension become the focus of a briefing for reconstruction ob Open up to a total of 3 shows the proposed revised benefits will be percent reduction in strength 日光,肥胖养老金u003d 3流通减少百分之目前百分之五-在东京,日本航空好转* 9205是23介绍,在东京的企业,减少养老金成为一个重建转播简报焦点对外开放一共有3个是拟议修订的利益将减少百分之实力
- 2500億円の債権放棄要請
JAL cuts 2,500 new restructuring plans 90 billion yen debt waiver request ■ super person retiring president, ceo outside of Japan Airlines bankrupt, in 2500 the main pillar banks to ask for debt forgiveness of over 100 million yen The new restructuring plan was, it entered the government and the main lines and 13, found 日航削减2500个新的重组计划九百点〇 〇 〇亿日元债务豁免的请求■超人离任主席,首席执行官以外的日本航空公司在2500年破产,银行的主要支柱,要求债务超过一万点○万日元宽恕新的重组计划,它进入了政府和主要线路和13条,发现
- 日本航空
2500 Japan Airlines at the end of June this year it was actually suffering from excessive debt of around 100 million yen yesterday revealed 2500年日本航空在今年6月底,实际上它是由约一万点○○万日元昨日透露过多的债务痛苦
- 企業年金の利回りはいくらか?
It has surfaced Airlines pension issue 它已经出现航空公司的养老金问题
Airlines, Reportage, Business,