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○■ 前原誠司国土交通相
○■ Mrs. happiness Prime Mini ster Maehara Seizi national traffic phase and Hatoyama, also blastopore Kazuhiro general affairs phase and others democracy staff entered Kobe successively
○■ The Democratic party admi nistration after the created, 1 years it passes strongly, but now the citizen has started regretting the fact that entrusts politics to the politician who does not have vision
○■ Pages Web liees ecrit en japonais ,
○■ National traffic Minister of State Maehara after declaring the policy again, did 23 day on-the-spot inspection
○■ Getting stuck Minister of State Maehara, if it continues the dam and gives shock to the Democratic party, it becomes a stone two bird ......
Transport Minister Seiji Maehara,