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○■ そのため日本と北 鮮の最大の外...
○■ さらに言えば、ア リカは最後の...
○■ 「雙筆五十三次 桑 名」「桑名の...
○■ 2012年には北朝鮮で 独裁の継...
○■ 金正日死去、金正 の政権継承... May be linked to more detailed information..
○■ 韓国では、金総書 の死に対し... It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
○■ もっと言うと朝鮮 島が南北の...
○■ だから北朝鮮は金 恩氏が失脚...
○■ ※ジジイのたわご
金正恩第... recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
○■ 思うに、今の元帥 金正恩」に...
○■ To learn more, ask blogg ers to link to.
○■ 金雪松(キム・ソ ソン、金...
○■ 金正日総書記のそ くりさん、総...
○■ May be linked to more d etailed information..
○■ 北朝鮮は2月末、 メリカとの... recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
○■ It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
○■ 金日成主席の銅像 、金総書記の...
○■ 北朝鮮は韓国の延 島に砲撃を行... May be linked to more detailed information..
○■ recommendation , suggest ions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
○■ 北朝鮮の3度目の 実験の可能性...
○■ もっとも、 北朝鮮 はその...
○■ 北朝鮮の金総書記 急死のニュー...
○■ It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
○■ 「時事(国内)」 テゴリの最... To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
○■ 北朝鮮のように、 実上鎖国を行...
○■ 「weblog」カテゴリ 最... These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
○■ 【北京、瀋陽、ソ ル20日聯... That the North Korean Kim Jong-Il ([kimu] [jiyoniru]) correct favor of the successor ([jiyonun]) the person, it was verified you visited to China with Mitsuo of the General Secretary 20 days early morning, via the figure 們 of the Chinese & Jilin ministry
○■ But as for the successor Kanemasa favor in the future something the oak so because of the result, a liberal translation
○■ 金正日の逝去で、 と北に分か... With Kim Jong-Il's death, the Korean Peninsula which divides to south and north, it can do again to become one it is the combining which probably will be