0 .
○■ 追加緩和
○■ Already it has depreciate d in 50 increase in yen value levels
○■ 9:30 AM (Japanese time 10 :30 PM) presently, exchange rate of the Yen front Hibi 20 sen increase in yen value weak dollar 1 dollars =81 is transacted at Yen 25~35 sen
○■ You wrote on also [burogu ] August 30th ('this'), but
○■ 5th 1:30 PM it passes and when the additional relief by Bank of Japan is announced as for circle slump
○■ Receiving ny Dow Jones ri se, it probably is the place such as the movement and rally of yesterday
○■ 6:57 presently, because o f outside, quotation continues, weak dollar development
Additional mitigation,