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○■ frb (American federal pre paration board of directors), monetary policy of emergency is reset to the policy of peacetime, when to the time when it advances the “exit strategy” is close, it lowers also the fact that anxiety spread and has made width expand
○■ As for Euro-dollars quota tion 1 Europe =1.3143 dollar, the Europe was resetting value from low price 1.2971 dollar of preceding day temporarily with transaction of morning, but being pushed gradually in the dollar buying, 1.3100 dollars exactly also the scene where the Europe cheaply strong dollar advances was seen to neighborhood
○■ Perhaps the frb authoriti es person, promotion of growth in lowering the chronic high unemployment rate it becomes eager
○■ Because there was [banank i] frb chairman testimony, rise of dollar circle that is to think whether it is held down, but it was supported in rise of ny stocks
○■ American federal preparat ion board of directors (frb) Venn [bananki] chairman on the 21st the national assembly refrained from the fact that you testify in the House of Representatives, the gold market was lacking in positive attitude
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