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○■ マイネショコラーデ
○■ It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
○■ kono re^su renpa wo ner au ga �� touji no kinryou ha 52 ��
○■ After, [supiritasu] and c aptain Vega
○■ Though (^o^)/as for this you do not understand completely!! As expected, 2 years old of this time it is from the [wa], (- o-;) With something simply expectation * 1 [maineshiyokorade] 7 [majikarupoketsuto] - 13 [rurinigana] △ 6 [taiseihuantomu] * The running time of 4 [aporojieni] ago lineage it became like this, (the ^_^;) Directing to the winter, either one winning as for!!
○■ *①[tsurumaruwanpisu] ⑦The Danube blue -⑪Forever the mark △③[maineshiyokorade]
*⑮A thin harbor
○■ Single victory →2 arriv al of Hakodate 9r◎ [maineshiyokorade
○■ Hakodate 9r Hakodate 2 ye ar old [sutekusu] (g3) 1 arrival 7th [majikarupoketsuto] 2 arrival 1st [maineshiyokorade] 3 arrival 13th [rurinigana] hits ~~~~~~o (^▽^) o Niigata 11r Seki house commemoration (g3) 1 arrival 16th [retsutsugokirishima] 2 arrival 9th sacred valley 3 arrival 17th reserve card end ~~~~~~ (no _.)Sunday it was 4 race/lace hit recovery factor 53.5% 0 2,140 Yen in 9 races/laces, a liberal translation
Meinel Chocolad,