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○■ Horse racing of tomorrow, Osaka and Kobe main [huirizurebiyu], while it is [kaku] area right of Ouka prize is obtained and in the [ri] [rabumichiyan] comes from Kasamatsu, at present the how single victory 1 keeper air
○■ Don't you think? Nakayama mare s just one word to kiss as for the heaven deciding striking of model is fell after all, the tall poppy is to worry sort
○■ Osaka and Kobe 11r [huiri zurebiyu] (3 years old gⅱ The lawn it is short) *③Ready alb Roosa ○⑥Barton Taylor -②[rojihuerozu] △⑭[Area] the [rabumichiyan] favorite has the result of 2 victories with the Osaka and Kobe course③. There is also a distance result because and, regrettable horse racing does even with op, utilizing the interest of area, this time that you see whether it is not to be able to win. As for opposition, this buying the Osaka and Kobe result⑥. There is also an insecure point such as riding substituting and shortage of distance experience, but as for soil fertility you see as the sufficient. 3 counts the distance result are high②. That to have comparatively, but the clock now one, because on the saddle the [notsu] [te] [ru] well it probably is all right. After, but the lineage of the dirt approaching if always sort, favorite treatment⑭Because it can go the father father even with the lawn, you hold down once.
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