- “Commitment” [tsu] [te] what? |Live door former president, President your Humimoto [horiemon] thing Horie to appear in Tokyo high Public Prosecutor's Office, commitment
http://atomtokyo.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-06-20 (Everyday newspaper June 20th (month) 13:20 transmissions) (Tägliche 13:20getriebe Zeitung 20. Juni-(Monat))
- Harmful influence of direct import?
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/go2c/e/e75c9410fd93b93de128605fbb35a4a4 (2) summary of cause of claim (insistence summary of this corporation) with 2008 May 28 date, to conclude this sales contract with this corporation and peaceful real estate, to 2009 March 31st this. It delivered trust benefit right to peaceful real estate, it had become the schedule which receives the payment of buying and selling price of this sales contract from peaceful real estate, a liberal translation (2) Zusammenfassung der Ursache des Anspruches (Beharrlichkeitzusammenfassung dieser Korporation) mit 2008 28. Mai dem Datum, diesen Verkaufsvertrag mit dieser Korporation und ruhigen Immobilien, zu 31. März 2009 abschließen dieses. Es lieferte VertrauensAnwartschaft an ruhige Immobilien, war es der Zeitplan geworden, der die Zahlung des kaufenden und Verkaufspreises dieses Verkaufsvertrags von den ruhigen Immobilien empfängt
- This Week June 4th/JAM THE WORLD
http://blog.livedoor.jp/y_s_p/archives/1446175.html ******************************************** Chinese troop helicopter and dew warships menace product sutra newspaper June 24th (gold) 7:56 transmissions, a liberal translation ******************************************** Hubschrauber- und Taukriegsschiffe der chinesischen Truppe bedrohen 7:56getriebe Produkt sutra Zeitung 24. Juni-(Gold)
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