- iphone4
http://taku616.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/06/iphone4.html Iphone4 had been struck out already on the front Iphone4 avait été frappé dehors déjà sur l'avant
- The [tsu] which would like to insert iOS4 GM! But squeezing by way of N-04B, or the [tsu] which you can be patient!
http://lindberg.cocolog-nifty.com/levin250/2010/06/ios4-gm-n-04b-9.html Already, using in 1 weeks or more and by way of n-04b→wifi, in [tezaringu] with iphone, about in the past necessity is that also it is certain not to be felt, but ..... Déjà, l'utilisation dans les semaines 1 ou plus et par n-04b→wifi, dedans [tezaringu] avec l'iphone, environ dans la nécessité passée est qu'également il est sûr de ne pas être le feutre, mais .....
- As for search word puzzle being lazy
http://meridian.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-06-08 Now, it is more ill-smelling than the turtle slowly, my iphone. As for work favorableness? It takes over, in Maintenant, il est plus malodorant que la tortue lentement, mon iphone. Quant au favorableness de travail ? Il succède, dedans
iphone 4
iPhone4, Internet, Reportage, Hardware, Technology,