- At “summer looking the rainbow,” the [te], flowing with the back, [te]…
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- (1) summer rainbow love tune (2) at the seashore (3)…
http://mon1007.blog63.fc2.com/blog-entry-70.html Love of 7943 summer shines in rainbow color, - wikipedia “love of this summer shines in rainbow color”, it is the item regarding the work which still is not completed and the program which has not ended O amor do verão 7943 brilha na cor do arco-íris, - o wikipedia “amor deste verão brilha na cor do arco-íris”, é o artigo a respeito do trabalho que não é terminado ainda e do programa que não terminou
- Japanese talking
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- Japanese weblog
http://gppdjob0002.blog91.fc2.com/blog-entry-136.html Opinion , Opinion , Feel free to link
- Summer [ripi] does only opening of the rainbow…
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Summer Love iridescent shine, Drama,