- Japanese weblog
http://nomaeru-arashic.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/07/post-30f2.html “You probably will do chummily”, “it could be effective to end and” “even if, catch” the [a] [do], plural there was also a dictum, but Comentarios sobre este , for multilingual communication
- Asahi newspaper be television
http://ameblo.jp/chakoarashi/entry-10586524656.html Being “in [jiyanizu], until now however it was possible to be that, in the future it cannot remain just that Sendo “dentro [jiyanizu], até aqui entretanto era possível ser aquele, no futuro ele não pode permanecer apenas aquele
- [peke] Ã [pontanteburu] 7/16
http://everydayarashi.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/07/716-99ed.html “You came until now directly, it is with…”[tsu] [te], there “Você veio até aqui diretamente, ele está com…” [tsu] [te], lá
- [watakushigoto] > echo it is too enormous!!
http://everydayarashi.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/07/post-a451.html With “last promise”, role… of public imageWith Com “última promessa”, papel… do imageWith público
Summer Love iridescent shine, Drama,