- [pokemon] white clearing (some [netabare])
http://mblg.tv/major/entry/194/ [pokemon] was funny after all!
This time it was disreputable with the design commenting net of [pokemon], it is, but don't you think? when you see and are accustomed well it does not become matter of concern [pokemon] était drôle après tous !
Ce temps où il était déshonorant avec le filet de commentaire de conception de [pokemon], il est, mais vous ne pensent pas ? quand vous voyez et êtes accoutumé bien ce ne devient pas question préoccupante
- Karaoke and [pokemon
http://mblg.tv/nananaya/entry/342/ The [gechisumaji] ogre domesticated fowl and animals it is good, more and ry being too sad, sprouting, wrapping, it does, but!
Past the compilation information it just puts out what kind of it lives piecemeal concretely with, whether the [tsu] [te] which becomes the amount excessive air which does not talk altogether you say how you say?......
End that is, don't you think?, there is no suicide red sandal wood, don't you think??
However privately even then it is tasty at all, well [pokemon] putting out [zekuromu] and the [tsu] [te] which is traveling together the one which was thought proper kana Nihongo , please visit the following link
- Japanese weblog
http://blog.livedoor.jp/daisuke_0914_kof/archives/52027849.html [kusotsu], from sometime [pokemon] became such a sexual game, it is,…! [kusotsu], d'autrefois [pokemon] est devenu un jeu si sexuel, il est,… !
Zekrom, Video Game,