- Such… outside supposition!!
http://silyouha-atsushi.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/09/post-9dc0.html Character of [zekuromu] “seriousness, the persevering and coming [ma] [gu] [re],” either one being defeated to n to coming, [ru] ww Caráter [zekuromu] da “seriedade, da perseverança e da vinda [miliampère] [gu] [com referência a],” qualquer um um que está sendo derrotado a n à vinda, ww [ru
- Pocket monster BW the ♪ which is cleared temporarily
http://tanusan.cocolog-nifty.com/tanu/2010/10/bw-f07d.html You inserted in the [zekuromu] hand, the ~♪ Você introduziu na mão [do zekuromu], o ~♪
- Large fighting well!
http://tender-m.seesaa.net/article/153840384.html [zekuromu] and [reshiramu]! [zekuromu] e [reshiramu]!
- Diary No.1214
http://eringiinago.blog94.fc2.com/blog-entry-1214.html When [zekuromu] you see, something “[bibitsu]!”Because with it came, as for purchasing decision to white Quando [zekuromu] você vir, algo “[bibitsu]! ” Porque com ele veio, quanto para a comprar a decisão ao branco
Zekrom, Video Game,