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○■ この企画でタケイ ここを見せ... You think that there is also about [takei] we would like to show here with this plan, but because you do such compilation, to “it is sarcasm don't you think?, [utsuchiyan] called the [e]” and end, a liberal translation
○■ お正月は、栗きん んの きん... As for New Year's Day, the chestnut it is to come with it is it is to come with it is the part (laughing) greatly it is good, you applied, it seems, a liberal translation
○■ To pass also the noon, be cause the stomach was less crowded, today it designated the zoo at this point as afterwards, ate the noon boiled rice at the underground of [kopisu], approached to the rest room in the return
○■ いろんなことが・ ・・猛暑に... Various thing in… severe heat in severe heat severe heat…
○■ あと、私に似てい と評判のカ... When after, it has been similar to me, while [kapibara] of reputation it is it is, after returning, the boiled rice it made, it is well the [a], at last to buy, when the tableware which is arranged pours sunshine, it came to be, however excuse it was not with not putting adjusting, you cheated temporarily with the tableware, (laughing) the one plate is convenient, a liberal translation
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