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    Flowering status,

    Nature related words Yozakura sightseeing Yoshino Cherry Hanami Cherry Festival Weeping cherry Cherry trees

    • Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.
      Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.

    • Déjà juste, déjà juste
      Plutôt que disant cela est également aujourd'hui froid, était-ce le matin où vous estimez qu'il fait frais, même alors aujourd'hui (21 jours) devenant comme le 14℃ et du le tiers premier mars, quand il est facile de passer, quand vous mentionnez de chose du le tiers premier mars, si chose de juste le bout également que vous pensez, température de l'air maximum de ville de Shizuoka, mais une semaine après que juste il entre dans mars, il est, vous ne pensent pas ? parmi tels, en raison du froid dur, plutôt qu'étant la fleur de chaque endroit, [kawazuzakura] de Kawazu Cho qui informe le ressort à la péninsule d'Izu ce qui est tardif avec du bois et la circonstance de fleur d'endroit le cerisier de ce que la compagnie privée de prévisions météorologiques de chose du divers temps de fleur d'évaluations ([someiyoshino]), la photographie la manière lente sur la 20ème, est le bois [kawazuzakura] qui a été photographié dans la ville marine d'Ito de station de la route de la ville d'Ito de l'année ordinaire, mais toujours la fleur n'avait pas fleuri l'une roue que les circonstances telles que le juste il attend le fait ce même puis le bourgeon augmente suffisamment, peut repousser, genre de Saharu où déjà immédiatement, déjà immédiatement le ressort où est venu à là immédiatement

    • Para shrine o santuário do santuário Tenma shrine a cascata de passeio periférica do ~ da cascata do ~ (3)
      Em santuário onde excede o tempo e o _ da sesta da linha ocidental padre vem fresco e estrada indo/de participação que enfrenta ao santuário que morno da pedra sabe [ri], o fato de que ocidental linha que é a pedra que apenas um pouco se pensa como o kana pequeno vem à viagem da formação a Shikoku, que as épocas anteriores que são pensadas que benevolência barata a época (~ 1167) dos 50 anos bienais velhos, consideravelmente era viagem severa, a linha ocidental padre que é ter descansado a sesta da maré do gramado e o corpo nesta pedra em essa para a sesta qual tem a linha ocidental pedra da sesta do padre ou, o gramado faz, pensa às épocas anteriores distantes, a tal dogSo do 狛 lá e à vaca confortavelmente aqueles onde é visível na parte interna que é sentada abaixo do santuário do santuário da cascata, é Hongu aqui onde a vaca que não é recebe, porque está fria, ninguém é, a princesa aterra lunar quem se transforma silencioso quieto e se retorna esse que é feito para ser Toshi derrotado! [U] é, kana verdadeiro? Porque as terras largas, ninguém eram, essa que é passeio sem a ligação/lido! Quanto para a mim que é o lugar pretendido, o santuário de Tenma do santuário da cascata e o santuário da ameixa do pseudônimo no ao lado do santuário do santuário da cascata %

    • 24.03.01 2 provision замоки, сад Киото префектурный ботанический, пуща сливы сливы дворца Киото имперского
      24.03.01 Слышащ что (древесина) начатая зацветая слива на как 2 замоках обеспечения, как для идти к принимать и смотреть на сперва в условии цветеня 2 входов замока обеспечения. Там быть широко известным signboard, «оно зацвел спорадически», потому что с, расширенная ожиданность, но точно «древесина которая начинает зацветать спорадически несколько книг» и как для идти затем оно что-то которое хочет терминологию которая с придумкой которая где вы говорите, в 3 местах которые сегодня когда это нет случая которому вся древесина начинала зацветать делают, унифицирует место этого которого обстоятельство цветеня самые плохие и выражает точно, с садом Киото пущи сливы префектурный ботаническим здесь, большая древесина пунцовой белизны одновременно 2, под конец пущи малая древесина одновременно 1 как для большая древесина которая зацветала 7 minutesIs чувствуя зацветая ряд потому что это нет такой большой сливы которой пуща, добро достаточно имеет впечатление существования как для конца которого имперский строб clam дворца (苑 Киото) немногая от юга одевая в более низкий строб сбывания стойки, следуя за к розовой пуще, также Ogawa и подобию затоплять там пуща сливы с эти 4, там здесь где также пунцовая белизна 4%

    • Blütensupersträfling der Pflaume
      Blüte der Pflaume, die war es Super ist, spät und (tägliche 383), die Tatsache, dass Blüte der Pflaume dieses Jahres spät ist, den Pflaumewald betrachtend um das Haus, Geschichte war Natur, aber, weil sie etwas ist, der von vor geplant worden ist, 28.,29. Februar-Tage beendet der Pflaumewald und der Kawazu Kirschbaum der Izu Richtung das letzte Jahr, wenn Sie zum Sehen sollen zum Atami Pflaumegarten am 24. Februar erlöschen herausgehen, aber bereits es die volle Blüte der Pflaume, Atami Pflaumegarten des letzten Jahres als die Blume der ↓ Pflaume, die auch die Pflaumegartenfeier ist zum zu beenden, innerhalb des Gartens, um zu haben um auf stille Art gebildet hat dieses mal das Atami Pflaume gardenBaika, vollständig zu zerstreuen, auch sich drängen innerhalb des Gartens, um wenig, am Punkt beendet zu sein, dem willen der Regen fiel es, zum auch zu sein, weil 28. Februar auf stille Art vom Morgen war verhältnismäßig warmer Tag mit dem angemessenen Wetter, Izu Bezirk ist warmer Bereich gebildet worden ist, der, schwache Erwartung beiseite verschiebend, ob irgendwie die Ansichtpflaume nicht möglich ist, gibt es einen Kanagawa-Präfektur Odawara-Stadtvorort, der erster Bestimmungsort der „Soga Bessho Pflaumewald“ % ist

    • Koisikawa Korakuen “the plum to enshrine”, to…
      李子开了花! ? 长期地,接受了协会的方法是知道,但是,因为机器人(我),在您讲在这儿的一原因(原因),因为1至少次或月,在房子我们决定不需要晚餐的这天,是那天,垂悬从肩膀的照相机,因为您询问了关于, 2-3天前一点提早出现房子的新闻,东京李子有,当您要求它有李子在的地方[局]时朋友,被举的Koisikawa Korakuen作为这一个候选资格区域,一点timeIt 是快的? 它是认为,但是对那里在我们决定面对庭院的入口, “奉祀”,因为牌站立了(在照片的参考), “[tsu]简单的纱的李子-!! ”与,在通过门以感觉的牌[pachin]听起来手指(笑) ? ? 当它通过门,立刻,这里水户

    • As it becomes the accompanying [zu] [re, a liberal translation
      Hay un parque donde está audible la voz vigorosa del actual niño del claro del tiempo [chibitsu] el niño [del chibitsu] que alcanza el punto donde en cuanto al nombre del puente que entre los “de Siyoubuen” tiene el puente en cuanto “ocho al puente [del tsu]” ocho [tsu] tiende un puente sobre avances y lo de la deterioración significa que la construcción de la reparación del puente fue hecha, solamente a éste puede terminar cada vez y puede pasar la realización, el paso por el puente pronto, primero él es éste, a en cuanto a la circunstancia de la floración del ciruelo que va el “jardín del ciruelo”, en cuanto a la consecuencia donde se continúa el frío o floreciendo ¿en el estado del escalonamiento él es muy pequeño, “el ~ que es, inmóvil él no ha florecido él no es? ¿”, del childIt [del chibitsu] será terminado probablemente con la voz que hacen se desaliente, cuando pasa un poco, “le no piensa? [otousan] y [okaasan] y venido por favor junto”, con en cuanto a mí ese vez cuando usted gritó en corazón, el ciruelo es la plena floración el resorte en que usted piensa que el y también [tsubomi] del cerezo que un poco llega a ser ya caliente se amplía, está cercano

    • Minami Izu Cho established by the town recognition child garden appearance produces the face
      Though recognition of April opening it is dense, the preschool 1 where appearance of the garden is completed, integrating 3 gardens of nursery school 2, it is born young in the recognition child garden of preservation unification and as for the fixed capacity which changes about 180 as for the flower bud where the flower starts blooming sporadically sporadically in the cherry tree _ is bloom circumstance of the Minami Izu of the being defeated 16 day and night one which is cherry tree being overfull, the bee it is cut off and is so being, the wind being cool, perhaps about one minute it blooms in the weekend when it cannot bloom,

    • 1 weeks of desperate fight
      It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.

    • Into spring from the depth of winter movement, a liberal translation
      Was raue kalte Ansicht anbetrifft Kouti innerhalb der Präfektur, besonders ist Izu Richtung also sogar an allen Bomben-Schlagpräfektur des Inneres direkte, aber, wenn unter dem Umstand, in dem die Blume der Erwartung, die bereits diesmal geblüht hat, nicht noch vollständig geblüht hat, können das übliche mit dem Park und dergleichen der Erwartung, die Lohn der Platz in dem „keine Gebührenöffnung“ fortfährt dort ist Atami Stadt wird, in so ist es die Atmosphäre mit ruhigem, wie für Blütenumstand der Minute der Pflaume zwei blühend, sehen Sie sogar in den „Atami Pflaumegarten und“ Zeit erfordern, noch Zeit festzusetzen, ein Wind, den er und der Punkt änderte, der „Hanami“ kann Numazu-Stadt, die Gesichter zu IzuIt im Aquarium, aussieht den Namen tun, den, es die künstliche Blume des Kirschbaums im großformatigen Behälter von Breite ungefähr 5m und von Höhe ungefähr 4m, die „„innerhalb des Hanami“ Villa des eines schnellen Fisches des Fusses ist, unter jenen ungefähr 200 mit den Fischen des [hata] Kurses einsetzt, der hauptsächlich in der Suruga Bucht bewohnt, die das lokale Ende, in dem „der Kirschbaum“ die/di schwimmt, es ist das Blumenblatt des Kirschbaums ist, der gewordenen Ursprung des Namens auf der Seite des Mannes, in dem klare Orange die Aufmerksamkeit erregt, % hat

    • The yellow flower is warm
      Пока «желтый цветок, этот сезон где цветок зеленых цветов длиннь в приходить, малый будить в холодном дне» «как на холодная ноча вы смотрели dvd популярной цитаты, горячий разрыв» теплый получит [ri] в bi- цветка низком с, желтый цвет Suisen, * вы видите на рабочем месте, цветок тона цвета начинали зацветать несколько колес, тепло даже в цветке 27-ое января вала сливы фотографируя малый воск «сливы воска», * нет цветка 28-ое января фотографируя вал вишни сливы воска сердца элемента которой наслаждаются на районе, но как для «обстоятельства цветеня» когда как 3 минута - 4 минуты (3) * не было нанесено поражение к любому тому сильному снегопаду японский фотографировать Suisen 29-ое января который зацветает с плантатором, также 2 колеса eye безопасно зацветено, (2)

    • Flower of fall
      To tell the truth this cherry tree, several years ago with just a little local end and before the information of the tinted autumn leaves which have become topic will be begun with information of cherry tree bloom or, because fall to seem as for this wood which blooms simply in the present local newspaper which exists in the nook of “heaven profitable institute” “heaven profitable institute” was introduced exactly even with the same cherry tree, when it tries reading in detail, “cherry tree bloom!?”Concerning - the pal route? Powered by which is [burogu] it is to see the color. The Kawazu cherry tree which is the [medeiterenianhaba] paralleling bloomed! With the television the cherry tree blooming at the various place, the [ru], with you see it is, but it blooms even with the sea with… After this how it becomes, until it is still it becomes the full bloom which probably will be, it blooms kana? In addition, in addition spring of next year, it probably is to bloom or, information 2011 of bloom of the cherry tree fall Shiga - place of interest Kansai of the cherry tree, the Shiga cherry tree

    • journal intime 2011 de chrysanthemum
      O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.

    • Summary and the like of this year related to bicycle…
      Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.

    • [Dokomo] „REGZA beginnend, rufen Sie T-01D“ und Software-Erneuerung an!
      Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.

    • From midst of cave
      Examen, evaluation, le resume , linked pages are Japanese

    • Today last time* Tokushima drama 'well pot' of stage* Way if wave beauty!
      Everyone of the drama 'well pot' cast and everyone of the staff, starring actress 'warehouse course [kana] which is everyone extremely wax of local end' it begins and if and mounding Tokushima, well thank you truly, it says Shikoku which will be expected to the future further participation of everyone of the cast that now, it is risen with the same Shikoku, furthermore so next door Kochi prefecture today which boils in big river drama 'Riyuuma transmission', in [burogu] of yesterday the Kochi charm which it cannot write with the individual section as for the introduction stripe not being completed the Kochi prefecture Nankoku-shi super measure store restaurant '[yu] [zu] hermitage' this time timeBecause it was not, regrettable here having a meal, don't you think? increases is comes, in addition this time, when before the car and funny object of parody of the cat bus are full coming, outside the store, there is the memory which ate the fixed food of hitting the bonito there is no time and [te] proper thing riding, increase this where and very the railroad sound which has the appearance where the street car runs immediately the side of the general road feeling was good and is it is to yearn, if [chi] [ya] now the shank ~ so you said, some days ago, you looked at the street car even in Ehime prefecture, but this doing and another place which engenders the good quality which is different, the highway of the return,You stopped in the southern service area, time the [a] favorite of this area software cream did, vanilla taste say say it is different, please view that [nobori] how 'the name which is the software cream which used [tsu] Umai village' 'the [tsu] software' [yu] [zu] and taste of the honey being refreshing, the software cream which was tasty and is in Kochi which somewhat the food impression of hard feeling (the eye screen like of Kochi) was good and is the case of causing don't you think? please stop by all means even in the Tokushima of next door Yoshino river recreational area, as for bloom circumstance of the cherry tree of the present Yoshino river recreational area… 'fiveSeven minutes to bloom)' is the amount blooming (depending upon the place

    • Hanami it did
      According to notice, as for bloom circumstance of the cherry tree which Hanami is done blooming even such feeling unexpectedly, well enough several days ago of this day of 5 minute blooming extent kana which it increases well enough cold it was the rain and/or with weather considerably was the Imai [chi], however it is, it became somehow, however perhaps, the place where you take is good well getting together came the student 6 person and with society member 2 total 8, i river you who come to about last 30 minutes and the truth which finally is 9 people furthermore the [ma] [tsu] and - it was the expectation which comes, but entering into the foot warmer, it does not come from the reason that being, it became unable to come out, it does and the shelf is the sled [ya]~~~! So that, correct answer on the basis of the reflection of last year once, it goes with the warm appearance, prepares the cookstove and the pot and the ~ is warmly and it is to eat the Calais noodles, but even then it is cold! Therefore honesty, the [name] [te] it increased the air temperature of just a little this day with, very, the Calais noodles [metsuchiya] tastiness it is! The fact that the cookstove and the pot are prepared was my idea, however it is, as for the Calais noodles when unexpected (in of course good sense) it is warm simply, the Calais seasoning makes hot, simply even then it was cold, however it is, don't you think? with, however such while being cold, under m of the front captain and g rattan you snap with the package paper of the chocolate and way once in the cold which snaps the crane and increases the finger it trembles and don't you think? [toko] and are,… With being the case that it is said, this left being blue, to be possible, larger one production under m, the right being red, when smaller one ended the ~ such of g rattan your production skillful and while being cold, with something, light/write rise (rather than with saying, [bonbori]), the [so] [so] you dispersed ill-smelling, but bringing to the generator specially, guaranteeing the illuminant with own power, continuing the feast, as for one them where [ru] one group (several dozen people) is after that it continues it is how long and the [ro]? The way the [wa] ~ which is done

    • “[shidekobushi]” continuation
      Это мнение , original meaning

    • Medium capital east 3.28~ of Kyoto cherry tree circumstance 2010 ~ capital
      Essa opiniao , for multilingual communication

    • Main gate temple of Ikegami!!
      26th Kamata's March to the association which goes out starting cattail south brown 荘, 1 year half it becomes excessively, but there is the same Ota Ku, “visiting main gate temple of Ikegami,” because you thought like from before, after completing the shopping at the tea house, 'main gate temple of Ikegami who first is surprised to the width of the remainder which stops'… as for here this gate temple which has the bloom and green and the serenity to receive the protection of the Kanto warrior through Kamakura Muromachi era, after entering into modern times, it became the prayer temple of the Kato Kiyomasa Kii Tokugawa Family and many it burnt with air raid of the World War II which prospers, but entireIt seems that the gate scripture house quintuple tower remains because (it was the car, the entire gate without passing, entered) (the entire gate and 此 sutra difficult holding hill did in the grounds and the present no [ji] [za]) from entire gate the stone step of 196 steps Genroku year (the 1688~1704) was made with Kiyomasa's Kato donation, (the large hall… have accepted the first being defeated and 753 and the like prayer) (quintuple tower ・・・1608 year erection) (scripture house ・・・1784 year erection presently traffic safe prayer) as for the grave “the grave round map of the Daimyo house” and “the grave guide map of the famous person” are distributedFurthermore about nice the grave had stood in a row,… it came across to the place where also main gate temple of this times Ikegami in order for the person who plays to stay, the stonemason corrects the grave, (Rikidouzan… immediately after correcting the eye, Ono accompanying 睦… in order to be defeated the tiger in the past, is) (the child open space had become cloudy had adjoined) as for the time where it arrives, but the continuation 27 day walking “of bloom circumstance cafetenango of cherry tree 22 days of 呑 river” of being defeated neighborhood which gradually clears up it approached next,… the bus route where it is the place such as the 1~3 amount blooming becoming the cold also 呑 river paralleling today like the depth of winterIt is,… it opposes to forecast, whether now weekend the full bloom, the ^^

    • Cherry tree bloom circumstance of Fuji city (as of March 27th)
      In order that the cherry tree of Fuji city ([someiyoshino]) bloom circumstance is verified on March 27th, because it turned the place of interest of several cherry trees, furthermore we inform about that circumstance the order where bloom is advanced, because the bloom circumstance which is introduced here (the ○ amount blooming) it is my subjectivity, please acknowledge the fact that it is the difference in method of feeling depending upon the person and, even at the same place, almost to the thing, consent please start blooming from those of the full bloom put in place the fact that it is considerable variation with the wood, * Jun Ikawa. . The deep water 7 minute blooming there is nighttime light/write rise and * the American 之 shrine Asama shrine 5~7 amount blooming there is nighttime light/write rise and * the central park 5 minute blooming * the Hiromi park 3~5 amount blooming there is nighttime light/write rise * Yosihara. The Jun Ikawa paralleling 3 minute blooming there is nighttime light/write rise and * the Iwamoto mountain park 2~3 amount blooming it is the above-mentioned bloom circumstance, but because about 2 days it is passed from photographic set-up, it is thought as the thing where bloom is already advanced from this a little, but the birthplace “temperamental person” hp where peak of the entire seeing time where it is seen that entirely pace of bloom has become dull with influence lately of the ice saints, may become, from this week latter half extending through weekend is to be possible

    • March. Meguro haiku gathering report
      Forecast of clearing up changing, March 28th the sky which is cold 1 days like viewing is heavy, the traffic where also the wind is cold and is combining also cherry tree sight-seeing, is the extent which is not the times when it breaks off, but even then everyone coldly so bloom circumstance of the cherry tree which is with the photograph under the right, is 3 minute blooming rank or, under such a tree which is also the tree which is close to the full bloom, wearing the coat where Hanami's group is thick, as for this photograph which is risen 彦 seven that kind of March 28th is photographing. As for the participant of haiku gathering, infrequent 6 names truly after a long time the watermelon the face being able to finish also the continual competitive swimming which becomes showing, the critique due to participant everyone where also the leash bud which very so is vigorous participated vigorously rises being accustomed considerably very, each one thinks and it debates opinion and thought in thinking, ““is cut off and “rearrangement “[te] of main mind “seasonal impression” of impression” season word” scene”,” {is attached too much” and so on and so on!! Every thing seat subject “falls”, “meeting” “eight” and the self-introduction is promoted to be everyone and it is everyone large satisfaction and as for the secondary meeting end where also the pace which faces to the secondary meeting place which has become meeting becomes quick with place because of cold 7:30 PM other than the watermelon which is, because you reside near Meguro, the watermelon which enters just a little even lonesomely of specially field which is visible participation truly photograph now grateful Meguro cherry tree circumstance weekend, thinks the ticket wicket of jr that certainly you have become beautiful cherry tree Namiki, the rice field eye which more and more, probably will meet at the annual conference meeting place. Haiku gathering Uchiyama eight river

    • Hanami's ladder
      Yesterday was Hanami with medium Meguro, but because the light rain started getting off, freedom movement being cold in the hill, because it does not become walking feeling, while looking at cherry tree Namiki, the holiday which it makes to go to [suitsuhuoresuto] while looking at the cherry tree with this, is the Hanami spot which the person who eats the lunch is, but don't you think? as expected in this cold… it is not, you ate with ~ [suitsuhuoresuto], because the person who makes a noise with roll cake night Hanami is as for bloom circumstance of the cherry tree which is, or has such note writing, a state d60 where it is sufficient for Hanami at 8 minute blooming rank

    • It doesn't try venturing in the space of the rest room?
      kanji character , Feel free to link

    • Temper 2010/03/31 of this day
      This week second generation 休 that already one day you probably will go to bed, it designed truth, but is, work enters, abandonment early rising is from the time, it runs, that - when becoming that air which is thought, the weather which only it runs is not good excessively, but well as for that much cold destination, famous Koganei park every year here, the cherry tree enshrining is held as a place of interest of the cherry tree, bloom circumstance of the cherry tree does while how to enjoy kana, although after approximately 30 minutes which are started running, it is arrival weekday in the Koganei park, the chaotic Hanami customer multi, as for the cherry tree still 4 minute blooming runningBecause it came, but stomach [peko] the rammer it burns and as for the money of the extent which can be bought two people who do not have photographing I of the cherry tree entering from side chummily, lining up, as for being visible in the quasi- Bicchu distance of the photographing cherry tree enshrining, also the cherry tree where the Edo Tokyo building thing garden color is dense blooming, the name which it increases it does not understand, why you did not write on [burogu] which has sl, but this week temper (3/29) distance of this day which Monday is tempered: 10.890km time: 00: 59: 40 pace: 05: 28/km calorie: Temper (3/31) distance of main day of 672kcal: 10.715km time: 01: 04: 37 pace: 06: 02/km calorie: Saturday of travel distance 52.605km this time of 697kcal this month, with the Yoyogi park the Hanami run It probably will run with tiamo running club!

    • Okutama large Tukayama
      Okutama iron five 郎 today when it is Iriyama from the home where it goes to the verification of bloom circumstance of [iwauchiwa] of the new road when air temperature rises, is thing, but when it is the low temperature which is in a state where time is low still quickly that now opening one flower is bad you have heard being, the result of examination, as for the flower you will see in the return! With decision, climbing the gold ratio 羅 ridge which is called [kitsui] rather, doing physical strength verification, iron five 郎 the new road it will go down! With the physical strength verification which becomes tolerably was, but the essential flower this year is the reverse side, or seemed that the numbers of flowers are few and, influence of the snow? Very luster… merely with the feeling where the whole stocks is collapsed now when it is bulletin of mountain play, it is in the midst of drawing up, please wait [repo], a little with, in addition

    • Eightfold crimson branch perpendicular cherry tree and bloom circumstance
      After entering into this week, concerning the bloom circumstance of the cherry tree of this year in order to be advanced quickly from the cherry tree which you see familiarly, everyday life it is seen, but several degrees many had attached the bud to the eightfold crimson branch perpendicular cherry tree of this day which passed by before, (the previous eightfold crimson branch perpendicular cherry tree ->

    • Being charmed in the cherry tree
      Checking the bloom circumstance of [itosakura] of the Enzan 慈 cloud temple with the NHK television, as for cherry tree what as for the flower which the April 1st morning which would like to meet tries going out they were 8 minute blooming, but as for after all the stone monument of the Higuchi single leaf of the grounds entrance which has been crowded with the person of the multitude being new and visiting the 慈 cloud temple after 7 years the old wood of 300 years which are understood the middle big branch was broken in the heavy snow of the spring, time of the cherry tree where but the flower was attached gorgeously, if it distributes, when weather can look at the blue sky carefully, the just a little [a] it does from the 慈 cloud temple which is highest and stretches and in the blessing forest temple around it increasesNew one where as for the blessing forest temple being unprecedented, the 此 place enjoyed cherry blossom viewing extremely gently slowly. Mizuki's curtain Tosa of the stone monument flower flower old it is, one. Stone monument blessing forest temple black gate four gate (red gate) weeping cherry tree of three gate gardens

    • In the midst of NINJA [huesuta] 2010 opening
      Also today checked the bloom circumstance of the Iga Ueno castle…Cripes, ninja [huesuta] 2010 already has started, it is with the shank! The parent and child of the immature kindergarten child of local end is in great numbers distantly the official character which has gotten together before the castle “is thickly” - to walk, although harshly so they are… ninja who are, arrival [gu] r…Well, certainly today being the case that condition is not bad difference, also your this one making the neck long, [burogu] which waits for everyone

    • [kogera] which appears quickly in the cloud temple
      Hakone of yesterday he grows hoarse and - heart break goes to the cloud temple quickly, bloom circumstance of the cherry tree check regrettable there is also a cherry tree which scatters in the rainstorm to the day before yesterday when is discouraged, big sound was audible from the upper part, the strange sound which is continued is some sound??? The person around getting together, discovered [kogera] which gazes (* in the red circle) [kogera] at each time [kogera] which is the Japanese smallest woodpecker picks the wood, from size of the body, the [tsu] [te] which picks the discouragement of the Hanami customer where it can play the extent big sound which cannot be imagined sows, the Hakone nature which is in [kogera] very to pass easily being healed in [kogera] which probably is potato, today from morning is full revolution in Hakone as though but it follows,

    • The flower which it can thrive
      Now when it is one day which the cool air continued to blow with the cloud, as for the flower of the spring when it spends to open just as for the tonight which it has thrived in the wind like the depth of winter furthermore as for air temperature it goes down and - the 1℃ the snow falls with forecast of minimum air temperature, the last year when it seems as the cherry tree has bloomed, you think, but is, bloom forecast of this year seemed the extremely quick way, but when it is this amount, it may become slow, closely probably to go to verifying you tried the bloom circumstance of the resident in cherry tree but it will cancel and probably will not bloom and, it is complete the page for the sale which becomes dark with the care and entry of hp where those where you go out to this cold had become bothersome more,When you want, only the time when it is the work of beginning with feeling is required, the weather where the spring clear ones which now there is no one this are, is dark, being the kind of place which drops the shadow into also my spiritual life, whether it is some flower, tries searching this in the weed picture book, but it goes very and does not hit

    • [sakurasaku
      If you became aware, the cherry tree Namiki's of neighborhood cherry tree was the full bloom, don't you think? 咲 it is suddenly and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] it is it scatters it is quick is there being also the fact that it is lonesome once in the boy of part-time job bloom circumstance the mail

    • * Cherry tree brown*
      At neighborhood of everyone as for bloom circumstance of the cherry tree how probably will be? With Kagurazaka being the place such as still 3 minute blooming, the shank

    • On opening “Yokohama night cherry tree [ido]” April 1st!
      Doing “bike to work cafe Yokohama” together, while speaking in the [ru] party, it came to the point of to event converted entitling probably going to the night cherry tree seeing with cycling, “night cherry tree [ido]”! W which is wordplay ------------------------------------------------------ It probably will go round the place of interest of the Yokohama cherry tree with the bicycle, - day and time: April 1st (Thursday) night 8: 00 start nights 10: 00 dispersion places: As for thespace gathering course adjusting to the bloom circumstance of the day, decisive location is good being rest [te] and others toast! (Of course, it is the non alcoholic beer,) fee: 300 Yen (in thespace which offers gathering place contribution) beverage, as for the food preparing with each one, don't you think? (as for liquor useless) participation fixed capacity: Don't you think? especially there is no either friend, inviting! Application: Especially it is not however 8: Because you start in 00, to that gathering notice: Because it is not the case, formal tour, the accident and the like which is in the midst of riding to the last becomes self responsibility, in addition: In case of the rain in case of the delicate weather which is discontinued, preceding day night 12: With [yahu] weather forecast of 00 point in time, the day 6: If probability of precipitations after the 00 is 50% or more, when with the primary factor other than the discontinuance weather it becomes the discontinuance, because the thing acknowledgment which is from long way with the one which is crossing over, discontinuing or carrying out insecure one communication is tour of the night to the day thespace, because please be sure attach the light/write to the bicycle as for the ride tour which it runs with the multitude, it does not become so quick pace, with who with ease ----------------------------------------------------- With it is the feeling which is said, please to be possible

    • As for [someiyoshino] of neighborhood…
      Because yesterday cleared up after a long time, bloom circumstance of [someiyoshino] of neighborhood was investigated

    • As for start of New Year…
      Beaucoup de sujets d'actualite au Japon please visit the following link

    • Bloom circumstance of willow shoal river cherry tree that 5
      The 5 “willow shoal river communication of bloom circumstance of willow shoal river cherry tree: Reporting section” yesterday was one day which is felt coldly above the depth of winter, but today and air temperature of Japan and China 13 degrees, was cold day

    • Japanese talking
      Plain wood house gland hotel side cherry tree Namiki's of the correspondence river paralleling which flows cherry tree bloom circumstance… finally became the full bloom

    • Japanese weblog
      At area of everyone as for bloom circumstance of the cherry tree by the fact that, today closely with this Nagoya suburb now just the full bloom is received, exactly it is the cherry tree of the body with the full bloom which has enough the cherry tree of the place fully, nevertheless, entering into April, that if you think how probably will be, whether it became cheerful at last spring seems yesterday today and being the skin cold, [pokapoka] cheerfulness of shank daytime being, Hanami feeling is good truly, is something where, but because today the time the time cool gale raging in Hanami is this cold even at the daytime when it is just a little regrettable climate, as for night cherry tree sight-seeing anotherDon't you think? it probably is the bull bull tremble [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] serious, also everyone being Hanami, in order cold there is no how thing which was pulled, don't you think? please pay attention, at 2010.4.3 Aichi prefecture Chita city Asahi park

    • Japanese talking
      Good morning, April 3rd (Saturday) today which is the master properly being my middle birthday and pregnancy week, as many as 5 months rushed to the latter half is dangerous,… recently be too quick even (laughing) yesterday you became aware, it is… Because from wedding & [morudeibu] quickly in 4 months and 5 months after childbirth… it kept passing at this 4 month wonderful speed, oh with while saying, the air which is borne doing, when… it works retires but a little also the flow of time by slowly should have been moved is, well if as for present Kyoto it is in fine weather present Hanami whose also Asahi is dazzling and is not when it goes, it is? But yesterday which is day of [tsu] [te] feeling when truly communicates in the friend who shrewdly, lives after all in the road vicinity of philosophy, just you want to inquire about the bloom circumstance of the cherry tree, what <- making the car stop with favor, it comes to the point of being able to receive and the better cartridge [ji] is grateful - today the [tsu] which perhaps is done it is and it probably is procrastination and, the [tsu] where also the city bus does it is and overflows with the person and rather it probably is the [ru] and, the parking zone how it probably will not of course be found and… However the cherry tree which is true thank you blooms and seems 8 minutes, without fail it probably is clean, as for going by the way lastly 4 years ago… as for the photograph of that time this it is dangerous,… when the [tsu] which but the road of the philosophy which is the pleasure and pleasantly everyone it is the mountain which is on the reverse side of the house of the friend does it is and it is cute, densely it is what, Kyoto Matiya who remains from [o] former times rising, singing of the foreigner being audible from the [te], and in you wrapped, after (in foreigner you live in Kyoto Matiya boom to seem,) when there is the retreat coffee it is a time, it will walk that - the [tsu] of coursePreparation if you do not prepare either the photograph of the present and the wedding which give to the [tsu] dust friend, me we love, because it is ever since the older sister wedding which respects the pleasure is with the preparation stripe - the cute 1 days which are done [

    • original letters
      Me who am thought as 3 minute blooming only be the [a] ~ to do to several days and ago cheerfulness of the spring when is warm to yesterday blooming bitterly, at a stroke the stripe stripe do and the cherry tree of the callous most in customer who is the ordinary year when it is size kindred companion acquaintance neighborhood doing the voice applying distantly with the garden of the pad and to do Hanami and when being many, insert and substitute and stand substitute, it is what, you bit, coming being, when it tries counting the people whom it receives 50 nearly people it is difficult conditions such as Hanami [tsu] [te] bloom circumstance and the weather which have also how year to adjust, because this year when is when the air was attached, became close in such a full bloom stateLarge-scale Hanami does not do and in only the family the light/write raises the cherry tree and the night boiled rice if the weather to is good, you eat whether and such a night cherry tree Hanami week which is drunk a little will be begun from today, thinking as the ~ whether well the friend of the neighborhood where the ~ it does while and having bloomed and it comes communication receives in advance at the time of the [re] [ru] and should have drunk but as for the flower of the cherry tree which is I who the ~ how am thought blooming about the just 1 weeks, the fact that it is the cherry tree in being delightful gratefully, while looking the tin [u] ~ and you to bloom at the flower cleanly, is something where we would like to pass pleasant time

    • Japanese weblog
      Welcome to traveling [burogu] “consequence no framework framework newspaper” it was and being, “sphere spring arrival” and also, [pochiri] you supported it clicked [chibi] you above and don't you think? the [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te], someone who is the grateful thing where 4/3 (the Saturday) got near to the access counter the left becomes the access of 30,000 times, if comment it can receive, more and more entering April which you are glad, from next week previous arrangement of study travelling, from 6 days at 2 Tomari 3 day, to “it is with the pale ink cherry tree, the village which is” attachment the presently a little bloom circumstance “of the pale ink cherry tree” of main it probably will be completed with power considerably becomes matter of concern(From 4/3 Motosu city hp) bloom circumstance becoming rather pink, it increases, but still it has not bloomed,… this photograph which just a little is hasty is a certain group way, feast scenery the feast which lastly “it is it is densely, there is an achievement impression where with everyone becoming by all means the wheel, dances, 'digging, the ~ digging, the ~ and digging,' 'shouldering, shouldering, while moving backward' and, being the inclination of the dance it does [kore] lastly dances with everyone when, from, in more the group impression is the [ru] is, don't you think? when tune ends, you cannot say the paragraph” at all it is, don't you think? 'the tired ~' 'and tomorrowIt might and don't you think? the ~' and, exchanged word and it looked at the back of the customer who keeps being returned in the room, to end and delivered and being the case that the feast temporary ends, the people who enjoy the feast it was many in the customer, rejoicing even a little, enjoying, it had returned, is, it came, it is good like this you think, desire to the feast “we would like you to pass the day like dream!” Don't you think? something is possible as an attachment crew-member… as for that you think and at one, it probably is one one what of thought, has started “to do also the tonight when the player of the interest south high school which also the selection high school baseball is ended at today when 15th year as an attachment crew-member, as a traveling house, you question with the [me] and are [i] [burogu]” “consequence no framework framework newspaper” thank you for [burogu] regularly reading

    • weblog title
      Don't you think? today was the storm of the spring! The wound and the like it isn't done with gale? It means that also the cherry tree enshrining becomes matter of concern to the mapfan map which is the Ota city eight shoal rivers where the tomorrow cherry tree enshrining is done, but it is the essential bloom circumstance where there is about to go to other things and now shoulders the tripod before the sunrise working hard/employment and takes the night cherry tree, but it probably is the place such as 3 - 5 minute blooming with the trees? Becoming the full bloom becomes medium time of next week kana? So, to make tomorrow cross, because 'the tramcar valley number' of the valley 鐵 road is this year first stream day, can be entwined, that you will take, the cherry tree planning, if it increases it is possible it can convey the bloom circumstance from carrying, you think, but duty the sabotage [ri] perhaps real renewal it becomes,

    • original letters
      impressions , Japanese talking

    • Hanami mountain park
      Essa opiniao , Japanese talking

    • Bloom circumstance of willow shoal river cherry tree that 4
      The 4 “willow shoal river communication of bloom circumstance of willow shoal river cherry tree: Reporting section” yesterday was cold in the rainy weather, just bloomed also the flower of the cherry tree, to tremble, it had risen

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