- How, “[terumae] [romae]” to filming!
http://merry5656.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-07-29 Yesterday, going to the Harajuku direction, it increased, a liberal translation Gestern gehend zur Harajuku Richtung, erhöhte sich es
- That [re] ~?, a liberal translation
http://neomoonlight.blog121.fc2.com/blog-entry-1115.html Yesterday, 2nd “of [kirumibeibe]” time you saw, a liberal translation Gestern 2. „[kirumibeibe]“ der Zeit sahen Sie
- These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/oarimumaster/45068280.html Yesterday, you bought after a long time, (the ^^) Gestern kauften Sie nach einer langen Zeit, (^^)
- Tonight [marugerita
http://maeda.way-nifty.com/butalog/2010/09/post-7110.html Yesterday, “[terumae] [romae] 2” of [yamazakimari] which has been reserved finally reaches Gestern „[terumae] [romae] 2“ von [yamazakimari] welches aufgehobene schließlich Reichweiten gewesen ist
- It purchased at the fine arts museum.
http://osamu-tamura.cocolog-nifty.com/osapooh/2010/08/post-85f0.html Yesterday, you went out to the Yokohama fine arts museum, a liberal translation Gestern gingen Sie zum Yokohama-Kunstmuseum heraus