- The movie “criminal investigator X which” was seen in GW & “[terumae] [romae]”, a liberal translation
http://honyakunoheya.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/05/gw-9a47.html “[terumae] [romae]”, looking at the trailer, as imagined, was the work „[terumae] [romae]“, den Anhänger war zu betrachten, wie vorgestellt, die Arbeit
http://takarazukastarcat.blog35.fc2.com/blog-entry-994.html Don't you think? “[terumae] [romae]” Nicht denken Sie? „[terumae] [romae]“
- Strange existence, a liberal translation
http://clear-mind.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/post-7426.html “[terumae] [romae]ⅳBecause” has come out, you bought, a liberal translation „[terumae] [romae]ⅳWeil“ herausgekommen ist, kauften Sie
- Theater appreciation “[terumae] [romae]”, a liberal translation
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/brook0316/diary/201204280002/ “[terumae] [romae]” was appreciated „[terumae] [romae]“ wurde geschätzt
- The [po] [po] [po] [po] - it is, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/kuromugi/archives/51831687.html The face “of [terumae] [romae]” popularity the dense actor to the Roman to match to expect [warota] wwwww this too much normally, [chi] [ya] [u] casting Das Gesicht „[terumae] [romae]“ der Popularität der dichte Schauspieler zum römischen zum zusammenzupassen, um [warota] wwwww zu erwarten dieses zu viel normalerweise, [Chi] [ya] [u] Werfen
- Even in end of the world cartoon drawing
http://kome100.way-nifty.com/kougakusigi/2012/03/post-e23c.html It is autobiography cartoon of [yamazakimari] of “[terumae] [romae]” Es ist Autobiografiekarikatur von [yamazakimari] von „[terumae] [romae]“
- [terumae] [romae
http://oyado.cocolog-wbs.com/free/2011/04/post-21c1.html “Extra collection…” putting out voice, it started reading, “Telecom [teruma]…? [terumae]…?” „Extraansammlung…“ Stimme heraus setzend, fing sie an zu lesen, „Telekommunikation [teruma]…? [terumae]…?“
- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
http://taimatsu.cocolog-nifty.com/manga/2012/01/post-7386.html “[terumae] [romae] 4” [yamazakimari] work entry blurring in, a liberal translation „[terumae] [romae]“ [yamazakimari] Eintragung der Arbeit 4, die innen verwischt
- Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.
http://sin15.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/06/post-1745.html With the work of [yamazakimari] of “[terumae] [romae]”, some days ago it introduced “[rumi] and Maya and the continuation around that”, a liberal translation Vor mit der Arbeit von [yamazakimari] von „[terumae] [romae]“, einigen Tagen führte es „[rumi] und Maya und die Fortsetzung um die“ ein
- It is the way of the visor, living, it increases., a liberal translation
http://yo-yolovesananadonis.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/04/post-9e92.html “[terumae] [romae] <3>” ([yamazakimari]/entry blurring in) „[terumae] [romae]“ ([yamazakimari] /entry, die innen verwischen)
- Japanese talking
http://tachigare.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/08/post-f30c.html Because “[terumae] [romae]” with bathhouse cartoon, took the prize of cartoon, existence is to have known from the time before, but to walk, reading with [butsukusu] because it is funny after you thought, the gag cartoon lover which is same purchase as for the person trial that Weil „[terumae] [romae]“ mit Badeanstaltkarikatur, nahm den Preis der Karikatur, ist liest Bestehen, von der Zeit vor gewusst zu haben, aber zu gehen und mit [butsukusu] weil es nach Ihnen Gedanke lustig ist, der Gagkarikaturgeliebte, der der gleiche Kauf wie für den Personenversuch das ist