- Picture book?
http://ku-kuu-kuuu.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-05-12 You are attracted to at all pleasant picture book Takenaka's sensitivity Vous êtes attiré à à la sensibilité de tout le Takenaka plaisant de livre d'images
- Useless cantabile last movement (the first volume) test copying meeting
http://ameblo.jp/ru-ringo/entry-10412327371.html The foreigner of the [gi] which is felt the just a little excessiveness, but there to be Naoto's in the first place Takenaka Stresemann, because is, there is this, w L'étranger du [gi] qui est senti juste du peu d'excessiveness, mais là pour être Takenaka Stresemann de Naoto en premier lieu, parce qu'est, là est ceci, W
- Egoísta valoración del drama
http://ameblo.jp/tsukablo/entry-10698903800.html Being what!? You question, (Naoto Takenaka) the [wa] ~~~ which is not that attitude O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.
Takenaka Naoto, Entertainment, Drama,